

ALternative LiVing👀
I've always loved being outside in nature. At the Age of 20 I was a Merchant Seaman and The Desire to travel more started to activate at that moment. So fast forward to Three years ago, in the midst of my Spiritual Growth and Deprogramming process, one question kept coming to mind. " I've gotta stop paying rent". Now, I know this sounds crazy to most, but as I research "Alternative Ways of Living". I came across cardwellers, Vandwellers, Earth homes, tiny homes, Tree houses, floating homes, cob homes, container homes, Rv'ing etc. So the issue was navigation of not paying rent long enough to build up the capital for whatever lifestyle I was going into. So as After days and hours of research, I stumbled upon RV's. Now, no one in my immediate circle had any experience with them, knowledge on them. So, I knew all the leg work would be up to me. Also, I figured the cost would be at least 10k for a decent one without to much damage, miles, etc.

I knew I didn't have long to wait so I started to manifest the Idea of RV living by Dedicating the next few weeks into Everything about RVs. Went to dealerships, YouTube etc. Once I obtained the proper knowledge The next step was finances. I knew it wouldn't be cheap. So, I started looking for RVs within a reasonable budget, anything under 10k. I stumbled upon a Great deal through a personal owner, they took great Care of the unit. It's a 32ft Damon Sport, Under 40k miles, in decent shape on the inside. Grab it for 8k and put maybe 5-6k in minor repairs etc. So, in the midst of transitioning from traditional living to RV living at this juncture I wanted train my mind to Get uncomfortable and embrace it. At that moment it was time to embrace Nature, on all levels. The great part is that I was in the latter stages of my Spiritual journey, this was really what I needed a drastic lifestyle shift. A great Book is " Rv'ing for Dummies" make sure you grab that.

A few more things to look for when shopping for An RV & I'm outta here:

Check the Miles on the Generator used (If there's One)

Check the Wear on the tires

Check the Miles travelled

Check the last time it's been Winterized.
