

Break the Stigma
Long story short, this is the spoken poetry I've presented in class, and it turns out fair enough for me.

We all know that me as a person has a heart.
There are times when I felt being shot by a poisoned dart,
Stings everytime I realize that are men are gripped by a stigma's spell.
There's a belief that men are only supposed to be conquering cities, taking responsibilities,
And never-ever show any vulnerabilities.
But hear me out, life's complexity is unable to be easily withstand by anybody, not even by a woman with extraordinary beauty, even you with a great posture and tough body.

Life's a blessing yes, but we are destined to stay in this world full of evils.
With this, some marvels, yet most people are stuck in the hurdles.
I don't speak for those people who move for their own good, but for those who need help, yet they couldn't.
Hardships generates scars no matter what, especially mentally.
By men's pride, we disregard what's inside.
Because guess what, the society's expectations to us are just so high,
That to speak out we can't try.

Emotions in our human forms, but men like all have inner storms.
How can men heal when they are bound to conceal the way they feel?
That the pain is real and that the only way the tide can go still within is to reveal.

By opening up to break free from the chains,
To find strength by sharing our pains.
That by speaking up is not a shame, for weaknesses is not a game.
So help me encourage us men not to pretend, when it is their souls that need to be mend.

Let us foster understanding this topic wide,
Whereas men can speak and not just hide,
In this world where empathy takes the lead, break it down, as sympathy is all we need.
I'll hear you, you'll hear me, that's unity,
And by unity we'll find our way for more brighter and compassionate days.
Where men and women stand as one,
And in their truths the battle's won.

© Dizon