Become a human
As Devotees we must be very careful. As Devotees we think that, I completed my 16 rounds, I attended the morning Program, as I must read Bhagavatam everyday, I read it. That's it. I'm perfectly doing everything." NO ! There are small little things that count right! Before becoming a devotee, you need to become a good human being. That's very important. Some people think that, "We became Devotees and there is no need of becoming a human being". The minimum step is, you should become a good human being and then only you can become a devotee. These small little things count. In 1960's there used to be a famous basketball player in America. His name is John wodden. He was not only a basketball player but he was also a very famous coach. He used to give coaching to basketball players. Do you know what was his way of coaching? For the first 3 day's, whoever comes to him to learn...