

The CagedPeacock- Beauty lies within. EPISODE 7
The biggest problem rose when my parent began to quarrel each other. They would say different types of insults to one another, they would see offensive things in each other, they would always complain about one another, their way of life as well as their attitudes changed everyday and it almost lead to a physical fight. My parents never cared about how I and my brother would feel. They just did as they pleased, they never thought of us and how what they were doing would affect us mentally, emotionally and even academically. I was so sad and devastated, I couldn't know what to think about. Was I to think about the lack of money or the fights or the lack of adequate food or the effort to be the best at school or how to pass my junoir Ssce exams or how to overcome the bully and problems at school. Home, where I used to be happy to return to, became a prison. I didn't know what to do, was I to tell my friend about my problems? Would it not be akward fo Hikma to hear that her friends parents are in a fight? How am I going to even say my parents are having problem? Wouldn't it be embarrassing? Wouldn't it look obvious? I was lost but I shined my way out by keeping it and being strong.
I was sitted one faithful noon in the class when Zainab, one of the best students in the B class decided to meet me when I was reading. She came along with her friends; Hafsa and Halima.
"Assalamu Alaikum "they said.
"Waalaikumus salaam"I replied.
"How are you doing? I guess you must have been reading hard." Zainab asked smiling in a devilish manner.
"Fine" I said and look back to my book.
"Let me tell you something. You are just a poor useless church mouse that is proving to be what she would never be. You would always be nobody and nothing, you will never be something girl." Halima said putting her hand on the table and drawing my book.
"Besides I heard her father just sold his car. He is now using a motorcycle. Oh I forgot that even when he had a car, you still come to school with a motorbike. She is just too poor. If you need something, come and beg us. You don't have to come to school with worn out shoes and torn socks alongside your old bag. You are just a dirty brat."Hafsa added. They all busted into laughter and left.
They were born with silver spoon so they thought money could buy anything. They grew up getting what they wanted so they don't know how it feels like lacking or struggling for something. They thought it is status that determined achievement but they never knew it wasn't. Beauty in everything wasn't with status nor physical appearances but beauty lies within and I was ready to show them by that time.
I was already emotionally hurt and the three girls added salt. Although I was determined to prove them wrong but what they said was to much for me to take. I broke down into tears, I wept bitterly to the extent my eyes turned red and I started to feel a strong headache. It was so strong to the extent I fainted. No one knew I fainted but luckily for me, Aliyu who was my classmates was sent to call me so when he came, my head was on the table and he called and called but all he heard was scilence. He discovered I fainted so he seeked for help and Hikma rushed in. She sprinkled water on my face and she called out my name. I woke up and she wanted to take me to the sick bay but I refused and told her I was fine. Aliyu insisted but I refused saying it's just a small problem and it was within my control. He told me I was called so I went to the teacher who called me and ran his errand.
I managed my sadness and pain. I swallowed the grief and agony that I couldn't tell anyone even my best friend. She would ask me and I would give wrong reasons like I was ill and I needed medical attention which I had gotten. I would tell her drugs had been prescribed and I was taking them. It wasn't easy lying to Hikma because she seemed to have known me better than I knew myself. We tried everything possible to prepare for our exams and we did well. I faced lot of bullies from my classmates just because of my hardwork and status. They would spread lot of rumours about me in school both those that were true and those that were not.
This time too, my school wanted us to participate in the National Science Competition. This time, lot of students participated. Some participated in junior mathematics while others like me participated in junior science. I informed my dad about the competition so he gave me the money for registeration. We successfully completed our registration and we were taken to the exam centre to write the exams. I was lonely since Hikma never wanted to participate in the competition. After the exams, we went back to school and everybody left for home. We resumed to school the next day and everybody said his or her experience on the competition. I and Hikma continued to struggle for good results. We would borrow books from the school library, make some research and do other educative things together. It was very awesome being together with someone who woild support and understand what I felt although we do fight on petty issues. It used to be very rare for a day to pass without fighting and reconciling with Hikma.
After some few weeks.......

© Dr Khushi