

The tragedies of my life 👈😔

• I stuck my brother with a pin, I don't know why I wanted to stick him. My mother gave me a big beating.
• Once my finger got stuck in a gate at a school where I studied. The doorman opened the door for the students to enter, so I was about to enter but I remained there suffering from pain. I'm glad I didn't break my finger. It just made it crumple.
• I was riding a bike one day when my finger got into the chain so the chain pressed my finger against the bike wheel which unfortunately took off my nail. But I have perfect fingers today.
• I suffered from dizziness/Vertigo for a long time, I woke up at 6:00 in the morning but I couldn't get out of bed until it was around 9:00 and my mother said it was my joke, but I was suffering so much.
• When I was a teenager my face was full of pimples and I suffered, I cried so much, every day I cried because there were lumps and they were full of pus. I used a lot of products on my face and some were abrasive and smelly. Hormone problem...
• They gave me a fruit to try, it was a type of spinning top, my mother thinks it was a white spinning top. I was in a state of intoxication. I was poisoned by a companion.
• My hair all fell out, because I went to straighten my hair and in this case the product said there was a time period in which I should keep the product on my head, so I went over the time on purpose. And I was sad when I combed my hair and it fell out. As if it was rotten.
• I burned my voice, I was doing some exercises for lyrical singers but in this case, lyrical singing is not for me, mine is thick and different. So I think one day I did some exercises for half an hour and then I couldn't speak another word, the strength in my throat was gone and then a burning smell came out of me, that smell of burnt electronics. But no one believes this story, but I'm not lying. And I spent a long time without saying anything and praying to God in the spirit and God performed this miracle of making me speak again. But I completely despaired.
• I was stung by a caterpillar on my hand and its poison paralyzed one of my arms, and that day I had to cry publicly. She was small, I looked to kill her but I couldn't find her. It looks like she had wings and flew.
• My spirit left me, and wandered around the village where I live, so I was sad because only God could make my spirit return to me. The worst thing is that I was in a store alone and no one could help me there.
• I received two shocks, one from a power line and the other from lightning, but think about something that speeds up our hearts.
© RaquelCosta