Soul, stone
"Crouched upon the soul stone, girded by pride of an undefeated streak or rather, an unchallanged reign. Until it showed up, arrayed in an apparrel of indefatigable charm, relentless in its pursuit of a eerie allure. Suspense and trepidation, thrill and promise of adventure. Such ability infused in the slender figure comparable to a golden hourglass. The King was challanged, his courage and boldness was being tested. The melee began in the blue island sorrounded by a vast crystal ocean free of gratifying waves. The abysmal ocean unable to consume the spherical island. This world ran down a pointed hill with its sloping curve capable of piercing even the most righteous armour...The crimson enterence to the crystalline cave parted evenly in an embracing appeal. The divinity of the form was subtle but audacious. The King was left in awe and he had not witnessed the complete form, just the tip off the top. The soul stone gave way, the pride gave way for boldness, he stood tall, he stood firm and then he fell.."
#poetscorner #poetsociety #loveofchrist
#poetscorner #poetsociety #loveofchrist