

I'm fine

I wanted to talk about it
Sad tales of how long my nights have been
Lament the difficult decisions I've been made to take.
Albeit admist limited options- almost no choice at all.

I wanted to scream atop of my voice
Hoping even if just once, my voice will be heard
I've hurt so long from the constant neglect
No one seems to notice neither does anyone care.

I wanted people to know:
The choices I've made were not entirely what I wanted
That I was at a crossroad
My only option was survive.

I wanted to tell the truth
To let them into my fears and insecurities
To let them wear my shoes and walk my path
To let them carry this burden and see how much it weighs.

But when the Chance came
And I was asked how I was
I smiled almost assuredly
not wanting their empathy
and needing no one's sympathy
In the most convincing voice I could fake
I muttered
I'm fine!

©️ Chukwuemeka