

Don't ask me about love; I'm blind.
If you ask me about love I don't know what it looks like or what colour and shape does it have. I can't explain it in words but I can make you feel it.
Love is when your mother makes you wear three layers of clothing in winter. Love is in your sibling's everyday teasing. Love is in those chocolate and candies given by your friend. Love is in reading your friend's favourite book. Love is in those dried flowers I took from your garden. Love is in the food my mother makes before leaving for work even though she's late. Love is listening to your favourite song together. Love is in watching old movies together. Love is in baking a cake for your loved one's birthday. Love is in sending each other pics of clouds and moon and stars. Love is in those small holes on bedsheet patched up by your mother. Love is when you fall asleep cold without a blanket but wake up feeling warm. Love is in these poems I write about you and maybe sometimes in fighting, screaming, crying, and getting jealous too.
And the neverending list of love goes on and on.
(Hey, did you feel it?) It's been around our whole lives.

Tell me, are you blind? Searching for love when it's already around.

© k. k.