

Rising Dead vol 8
" I don't know where are you my friend , but I know you will be safe somewhere " Stone said to him self as lying on the bed in the basement of the Tom's house
Alex said to his brother " are you ok ? " with concerned expression on his face as looking towards window where is Tom standing looking at out of the house from Alex's room
" Don't worry I'm fine " Tom said to Alex , then Alex closed his eyes as he trying to sleep

" .......I .... So..... you ... alive " Ivan said as he stuttering

Kai looking in down in Ivan's eyes but he didn't say anything only watching Ivan's every move in cold expression

Ivan laughs nervesly as he getting up and said " so you finally decided to kill me ..... Kai " and locked gaze with him

But no response from Kai he is steel standing like statue looking at Ivan's expressions
Ivan said again in angry voice " so now what " as he takes step back from Kai

Ivan said in panic expression " I don't want that antidote , you can keep it ...I "

Kai steps towards Ivan , as Ivan saw he coming towards him he said " I am not going to die like this " and pulled his knife from his back of pockets and
Started attacking Kai furiously

Kai dodging every attack with no hint of fear in his eyes , he still maintain his blank expression on his face
After seeing Kai like this Ivan gets even aggressive in his fighting style and said " I am the one who is going to kill you Kai "

Kai duck in fast speed and keeps his distance from Ivan who is looking at Kai now

Kai finally speaks " where is Stone and Gabriel ?"
As Ivan heard his words and he goes silent and looks at the Kai and said as disappointing expression in his face " that's why are you here , not for me but for them ! "

Kai didn't say anything just looking at Ivan's face , Ivan again said " I betrayed all of you , I tried to kill you but after meeting with me again , you asked this " and started to get frastated

" Why do you care about them so much Kai , what about me ? , am also one of your former member of Task Force" Ivan said to Kai in serious tone

Kai still didn't say anything and looking at Ivan , Ivan gets angry and said " always so quite " and started attacking again
Ivan swing his knife towards head of Kai but he ducks and steps aside and punch in the gut of Ivan
Ivan howl in pain and started shouting " I'm going to kill you " and launch himself on Kai Kai steps aside and hold his right hand and twists , as Ivan move his left hand who is holding knife towards Kai he lets go of right hand and grabs his left and and quickly disarms him

And crush his knee on face of Ivan , Ivan steps back holding his face and then Kai kicks the knife on the ground away from them

" Where is Stone and Gabriel ? " Kai asked again looking at Ivan's direction
Ivan runs towards Kai roaring so does Kai they both engaged in close combat without any weapon

Ivan's lands his fist in Kai face Kai stumbled back Ivan takes advantage and kicks him in the stomach , Kai drops on ground and trying to get up but Ivan kicks him in the ribs of
Ivan said in serious tone " does it hurt ?"
Kai gets up and looks back at Ivan
Now Kai's mask is down and his lips started bleeding
Ivan said to Kai " I always afread of you like others , but stone is not "
Ivan signs in frastation and said
" Everyone thinks that you are a monster expect stone , I don't know why that team leader of mine chose to let you join the task force "

Kai puts his fingers on his lips and saw the blood then looks at Ivan again
and said without expression " you talk to much " and started running towards Ivan

As Ivan saw Kai is coming towards his he clinched his fist and tried to Punch him again but Kai dive under him and quickly gets ups in his back side , and as Ivan realized he quickly looks back and Kai started punching him
They both tried to gain upper hand in fight but Kai slightly better or he is playing with Ivan
Kai hits Ivan in the neck as Ivan tried to recover but another strike delivered by Kai and Ivan stables back and dropped ground

Ivan spits mouthful of blood on ground as he sits on the knees and said looking at Kai's direction " you know what I always Envy Stone and Gabriel because they so close to you " and stands on the ground and and advanced towards Kai

Again they engage and started fighting as the both using their hands , legs and head to hurt each other
As fighting Ivan said " I wanted to prove myself to you that , I am also worthy of your attention but ......you " and lands punch in the gut of Kai
Kai steps back and looks at Ivan with sad expression

After looking at Kai Ivan stops for movement then Kai said " that's why
You betrayed us ? "
Then Ivan said furiously " yes , I want to be part of this brotherhood but I always feels that am someone outsider "
Kai said in calm voice " we are , but you betrayed us "

Ivan falls silent he didn't say anything Kai started walking towards him
Ivan said agin in low voice " but you treated me different from them , why me ? " And hits him again
Kai stumbled back but again looks in eyes of Ivan
" I am always like this stone , Gabriel and you are the first group that made me think my own family but I couldn't able to express it "

Ivan listing every word carefully and tears rolls from his eyes
Kai said again " stone and Gabriel always know what I am thinking or what I wanted to do because they already know we are family but you ....Ivan "

Kai expression change and he is now angry , as Ivan saw Kai expression he started to panic because he never saw Kai angry before this
Kai started running and in blink of an eye he punched in the face of Ivan and then he started shouting and said " you sold us for the bloody money "
Kai hitting very hard and fast
Ivan cannot predict even one attack like before he only feeling the pain in his body and he drops on ground
Looking at Kai

Kai stops and again asked in serious tone " where is my brothers ? "

Someone answer from behind " oh you mean stone , he is escape from Ivan "
Ivan looks in that direction like Kai and Ivan said " Rider "

Kai saw the young guy like him leans on the door watching his gun in his hand and started walking towards them
Kai steps back at look at him in blank expression

" Wow I thought you are going to get scared after seeing this toy but , you really live up to your name Kai" as coming close to Ivan said Rider

Ivan said "quickly kill him boy "
But Rider said " will you shut up Ivan or you don't know when the two superior persons talking then someone like you have to shut their mouth"

Ivan said furiously " what did_ " then he stopped and said " who are you ?"

Rider laughs little and said in amusing voice " you forget your boss Ivan , I'm an Mr R "

Ivan said as he gets up " what the ... You are the person that gave me order to betray my team ?"

Rider looks at Ivan and then Kai and said " what , I only gave you order to steal z virus and that antidote but you betrayed your team " and started laughing

Then suddenly he gets serious and said " so I guess we don't introduce our self's " and said to Kai

" I am Rider the vice president of the Hive , my father is currently in charged and gave order to me bring that antidote back " and points his gun towards Kai and said " I know who you are , just give that antidote and do whatever you want with him "

Ivan said furioussly " you bastard " and about to hit Rider but
Rider kicks him and Ivan fall silent and started spiting blood

" Your blaming me for killing your team members " and looks towards Kai

As Ivan hear this he looked at Kai in panic expression

" Oh so you didn't tell him that you killed Gabriel and wanted to capture stone and bargain his life for antidote from Kai "

Suddenly Kai expression darkens and steps towards Ivan for killing him but Rider said " hold on first give me my antidote "

Kai looks furioussly to rider and steps towards his gun point and he didn't said anything just geustures towards his blood in his hands

Rider understand that Kai already injected him self with antidote and now only one option is they have to extract from his blood

Rider said " Shit " and and pulls down his gun but Kai didn't wait for him he just come close to Ivan and stab his fingers in his troth and and one hand back of his head and he just twists and Ivan drop dead

As Rider saw this scene he said " people call me monster but your the real monster " looking towards lifeless body of Ivan and said again " so what now "

Kai said " this sheep going to explode in five minutes I guess !"

Rider said as laughing " you can't fool me " and looks at Kai's face , Kai looks back in blank expression

Rider said " shit " and started running as he runs he saw few small explosive is sets on some compartment hurriedly he dive in river after some time he comes in corner of the river
And saw big explosion and said
"Next time Kai "........

To be continued.......

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