

Letters from Mars...
Dear People of the planet earth
Please heed our dire warning
If you don’t let love overcome
You won’t see many more mornings

So much hatred in your hearts
Why and what’s it for ?
Everything you need is here yet still you all want more

By ‘more’ we mean the violence
The murder death and kill
You thought we’d let you leave your planet when you’re all so savage still ?

Fighting over landmass when there’s room enough to spare
But the ones who have the money they have purchased everywhere

There’s one percent of people who get to live like people should
But most of those with money wouldn’t share it if they could

They set about building a better world
Just a few years ago
Infact the year 2017
Was when they said “let the first wave go ”

An illness that would kill those by the millions who were sick
For those who were already ill
The first wave knocked down like sticks

There’s no helping those who are less fortunate than them
The heartless keep on wearing
Their selfish diadems

#war #love #fighting

© katMaddi