

What's a Thorny Devil?
Introduction: Thorny Devils are small spiky reptile lizards that live in the Australian deserts. Even though the name sounds scary, they are the least aggressive reptile in the world! Thorny Devils live between 6 and 20 years. They do not prefer being in too hot weather or too cold.

Interesting facts: Did you know that the Thorny Devil dives into the mud and drinks from absorbing the water through its whole body!

Diet: The Thorny Devil can eat up to thousands of ants a day and can drink as much water as it could find.

Appearance: The Thorny Devil is 21cm long but can puth themselves up to look big and strong. They are spiky with a lazy old, angry face and can change its body Colour.

Conclusion: Thorny Devils are small ugly but fascinating creatures with strange ways of doing things.

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