

The Amazons 2 Chapter 7 part 1
Unbeknownst to what is currently going on to their Eastern coast, the Amazons can be seen sitting in their very replete home. Beautifully ornate domes sitting atop what seems to be designs from ancient Roman stock. Propped in a hidden valley their morning rally cries can be heard aloft in the air. In the town square buzzing with life, their daily strife is one of peace but the ease with which they live hasn't been given for free. Many an army has tried in the distant past to cast them out but no amount of unassailable rout, nor how devout its men has been able to successfully upend our ladies. Maybe one day very far away a brigade with an array of improbable weapons could dare to step within their square. But the sheer hubris one would need to insist an impede on the ones graced by the God's embrace well... their courage might soon be erased as they are placed in Amazon hands capable of disbanding legions tearing men apart like demons.

The seasons have now turned to what we all call fall but, bear in mind the Amazon rainforest is of a much different kind. Confined all on its own it shows no signs of its leaves retreating for the winter. For within her might you will perpetually see new blossoms form every night. A sight Mage May waits for as she scores them before daybreak so she can make potions for her healing lotions.

A commotion is heard as she turns a corner. With nothing to warn her an arrow just misses her head. Aghast as she was almost fated for dead she immediately tred on all fours very close to the forest floor hoping no more arrows are in store. Before she gives her hunter a second chance she dashes away but, to her utter dismay runs into her attacker. Ready with dagger in hand she looks up and then withstands the biggest lick a saber cat could fit on her cheek. Its unique barbs immediately let her know it was Rip bestowing her a kiss. Premiss it was Lyn she had run into she skewed her head back to see Lyn removing a sack from her head.

May: "My Gods!" "Were you shooting blind?"

Lyn: "I was using the third eye within my mind." "Blind no, though my eyes were covered I intentionally smothered them from use to be able to deduce how well my intuition can tell a moving target.

May: "Ha!" "Our chosen one incarnate."

Lyn: "My target was the tree." "You would have never seen it coming if it was my intent to take your life." "Though sorry for the unwanted strife."

May: "Just like your mother." "Always developing another skill." "It still reminds me of how she would go out on her own always favoring the console of nature." "No stranger to danger she would hang upside down and with her compound bow show archery skills unmatched by any one of us." "Enough was never enough for Ivy."

Lyn: "Mother did drive me to always push the limit." "Never a quiet moment to sit as a child." "Mild tempered she may have been but she considered it a sin when I was lazy and would figure out ways she could always push my skill."

May: "Still your mother loved you more than life itself." "She shelfed away any outward display of love to shove you into the throne far faster than any Amazon had ever known." "She alone knew your destiny before me finding Hulda's ancient scrolls that foretold of your destiny to unfold."

Lyn: "I'm sold on that mother immediately attacked my instructors when they uttered an unkind word though at times I deserved it."

May "I observed that many times Ivy's incline to be critical." "That's why I never delved into political insights while she was alive." "I deprived her of information she should have known and now it weighs heavily on my soul."

Lyn: "You are paroled of responsibility Ivy is gone."

May: "Still I long to get it off my chest may I press?"

Lyn: "Yes"

May: "Lest, I'd have to rewind back to a time before you were born." "I was sworn in as the Senate Arbitress and the list of votes denoting acceptance of human evoke into our lands came to stand in front of me." "It showed they favored human coexist three to two but I intentionally skewed the vote to show that we were against it because I sensed that we weren't ready." "Amazon hearts were still too petty." "Always ready to start a fight over the slightest insult would result in humans being slaughtered in our midst if we tried to exist with them." "I felt it was better than to let the minority have their way rather than to play with human lives." "Let us survive behind the wall until Amazon kind is ready."

Lyn: "The unsteady minds of the more violent of our kind should be considered." "Granted, there are embittered ones who shun peace." "But to surcease a vote that would evoke the crown to strike down the perpetrator." "I know the greater good was considered but still littered in our midst are dissidents that exist that would love to shove this in my face."

May: "There is something else I must place in your purview." "You deserve to know I have Cancer." "With no answer for a cure, I will soon be lured to death." "To lessen the legions on my skin I was out picking hibiscus blossoms." "The pollen nourishes my skin legions making it look new again."

Lyn: "Then how much time do you have?"

May: "This salve only slows its progressive growing." "Not exactly knowing the Cancer's extent but, my life may be spent by next season." "I reason I have spent a good life I do not deny any regrets."

Lyn, immediately forgetting about the votes May floated out the Senate door she implored that there must be more that she could do to improve her situation. The creation of a tear now appears on her face. Her usual stern demeanor is now replaced with concern. She still yearns for her mother still not recovered from her recent death May, is the closest breadth of one could call a surrogate quickly stating that.

Lyn: "At its worst this curse you call Cancer must have an answer." "Enough banter have you taken action to fight this scourge?"

Lyn, bravely holding back the urge to cry anymore.

May: "The store within our jungle home contains yet a million plus potions alone" "If it is grown it hasn't shown itself to me yet." "Set your mind kindly to a world where I am gone." "Thereupon Mage Mya will be a fine replacement." "My engagement in this life has come of its time."

Blinded by rage that May has given up too soon she refuses this damn and balls up her hand violently landing it in the middle of a tree at least six three feet across tossing its top to rock as splinters from the shock splay out every which way (((BOOM!)))

Now bestrune with wooden shards Rip now darts behind a rock. Quite in shock, he has never seen Lyn in anger. No stranger to a fight but this was of a different site for him. The enemy was from within and not put in the range of a Saber Cats aim.

Then it came, the stain of red on May's forehead. Somehow embedded into impenetrable Amazon skin was stuck therein a splinter from Lyn's exhibition. Mays current condition is now on display as blood made its way down her nose. Lyn's compose quickly turns to care as she dares to remove her unapproved show of her power.

Lyn: "How your able to hide this condition is beyond me." "But I will see to it that your battle is not alone." "Sister May disown your appointment with the grave for I swear this day that you will not die while I breathe" "We will see a cure to your skin Cancer." "An answer will be shown to us before you go."

May: "The lapacho blossom may be of help but well past its bloom every one I have found was in ruin."

Lyn: "The human black market might be our target." "They might have what you need." "Quickly, let's proceed to the Silent Siren." "If you widen your stride we may be there well before daylight."

May: "Allright!"

So that night our two flew to the coast engrossed all in thought about how to get the petals they sought.


Meanwhile, back in a cell Hex and Min yell at their guards regarding their recent imprisonment. With their imminent trial just days away they do not want to stay to pay for their crimes. Hex, now having her eyes on the cell's window she continues to hack away at bars that have started to decay with age. Though a magical sage her powers wane without her book of spells in which to delve her power. The normally sour look on Min's face has just been replaced by pain. Straining to get to her knees she screams at the top of her lungs as if her undone is just seconds away.

Min: "Ahhhhhh!" "My head!" "It feels as if something is spreading behind my left eye." "Is my time nigh?" "Why is this happening?"

Hex now cackling at her pain restrains from rendering immediate aide persuaded her time is better spent in an attempt to bend the bars. Though her stout spars from her fists barely shift the stone casings' sturdy consist. After an hour of persist, she quickly realizes that she needs her cell mates' help if she is ever going to twist the bars from their base. Min now face down unconscious on the floor is shored up in the fetal position after all her unanswered implores for help.

Hex: "Well get up!" "Enough of your fakery!" "Your chicanery didn't fool the guards they disregarded your screams and I haven't seen them for half an hour."

Devoured entirely into her design to escape she failed to take into account as prisoners of the state Lyn announced they were not to be left unguarded since they had darted away from containment in the past. Then as if a flash of light the blight known as Poicyn flies in. Her skin still glowing green it is a sight that cannot be unseen. Her claws obviously careened through their guards are now dripping in blood which is now flooding the floor from the entryway door. She then implores that they make haste.

Poicyn: "Why is Min on her face?" "We need to race out of here as soon as these bars are cleared."

Hex peering at this odd sight that just might help her escape relates in a condescending tone.

Hex: "Just tell me how you alone are going to get us out?"


Without hesitation, Poicyn's claws just careened through the bars as if they were butter. Then, no stutter was voiced just her loud voice.

PoiCyn: "You have no choice now wake Min up before more guards show up!"

Hex: "You have been corrupted by the eye why should I follow you?"

PoiCyn: "I know you two want revenge so, it seems we yet again have a common goal." "Console your soul I won't dole out a gruesome fate to those that I can make use of." "So shove your whines back inside your gut, shut your mouth and I'll route us directly to General Liz." "But, quiz me anymore then I may be tempted to explore other options."

Hex: "If the toxins in your claws can flaw solid steel I have no appeal to deal with your ire." "I'll wake Min as you desire."

Hex immediately fired into waking Min despite her skin being quite pale she still shook her with no avail.

Hex: "Wake up you idiot we are getting out stop your louting about!"

Min slowly started to come out of her comatosed state though unable to quite make out words she slurred her speech in repeat.

Min: "Wa, wa, wa, hpnd ta me?"

Hex: "You took to your knees and started screaming." "You mentioned dealing with a pain and then you were lain out." "Besides I was too devout dealing with the bars at the time." "I assumed your incline was to fake sick but tricking the guards can now be disregarded." "PoiCyn parted them in half now quickly cast yourself to your feet while we can still discretely leave."

Hex heaved Min's torso up and noticed a glint an abrupt strobe in her left eye as though it was undenied as a mechanical light. But once it hit the bright sun coming in it was quickly extinguished without a trace by anyone starting directly into her face. Hex, never one to embrace logic she saw it as nothing but a dusting of the debris she shoved into the air from her recent affairs with the window's re-repairs.

PoiCyn: "If we dare to wait any longer the guards' reinforcements will only come back stronger once they see their own slaughtered."

So, with their freedom offered they quickly escaped their coffers and made their way into the evening sun ducking into the brush rushing to take cover. Quickly discovering a hide PoiCyn revealed her plan to land them in the Brigade residence.

PoiCyn: "We have all evidenced the reckless abandon of power showered onto the Amazon army. Even stopping me from killing Lyn with them rushing into the dragon's chamber."

Min: "Your labor looked to me to be in vain." "Lyn did not sustain a single scratch from your claws."

Hex: "I saw you run away even before the Army came to stay."

PoiCyn: "Grrrrrrrrrr!" "They were too many in number!" "Even I can't render an entire Battalion asunder!" "Which is why we will plunder their plans." "Now understand I will need your help." "Well, technically I will need to use you as bait."

Min: "Wait, what did you just say?"

Hex: "I pray the dragon's eye hasn't affected your mind." "Why would we be inclined to be bait to satiate your need for revenge when we might be apprehended again?"

PoiCyn: "If you land in the hands of the guards once more they will store you in the Brigade residence too hesitant to leave their post for a minute at most.

Hex: "Yep, your mind is toast." "That's quite a boast to attempt to coast into the most heavily guarded place in the city." "I pity your mind you used to be of high intellectual incline."

Min: "Wait!" "Define just exactly what your plan is."

PoiCyn: "Tis such a crime that Hex didn't give me the time to explain my mind." "Thank you Min for butting in." "When the residence guards leave to retrieve you two it will allow me to ensue looking at their plans to start damning the river." "Consider half the Amazon Brigade far gone for soo long that it will leave them defenseless that's when my senseless violence will come into play and I can have my way with Lyn without Liz and her army stepping in."

An evil grin now began to form on Hex's face quickly replaced by her normal frown. Knowing now the congruity of this opportunity was too good to miss. While PoiCyn was going after Lyn she reasoned that would be the perfect time to find her book of spells. Now, quite compelled to help she quickly developed a change of mind to help PoiCyn get her designs.

Hex: "I don't mind helping."

Min, Though thoroughly inclined not to gamble with her newly-gained freedom but she was now under the fiefdom of the Vrill. Their device now instilled into her brain it would come to change her aims. As a little one known as Vek could peer through her left eye and change her inspires with the flick of a switch all while sitting hundreds of miles away. Well, Vek stayed vigilant wanting to please the Vrill hierarchy and was listening in to what was being said. So, instead of Min's interest to go off on her own, she immediately had shown a desire to acquire more information.

Min: "I want more of an explanation." "Where will the Amazon brigade be stationed during this occasion?"

PoiCyn: "At the highest elevation of the waterfall to the South."

Min: "At about what time will the brigade be making this perilous climb?"

PoiCyn: "All the info we are inclined to want is locked away in General Liz's personal quarters." "Which is why I need the disorder you two will create in order to initiate entrance."

Min: "My acceptance of this plan is tentative." "Understand I want to scan their strategy myself."

Well, PoiCyn and Hex immediately glared at Min. Her never being kin to want into anything to do with the military in the past it cast a shadow of doubt as to just how devout she claimed to be of serving the Goddess of peace Eirene.

The outward scene then immediately turned to alarm as guards shouted for everyone "To Arms!" "Dangerous prisoners have fled and left Amazons dead!" They spread out far and wide from every imaginable derive. Even the lowest of scribe ran out upon hearing the alarm. No time to mourn immediately adorning their armored mail and whatever weapons they could avail. Sailing out their doors scores of angered Amazons peppered the square as they dared to fall into rank. This drill was sunk into their heads from infants just out of bed. Lead as a military nation first it was rehearsed until everyone was well versed and knew their individual parts by heart.

PoiCyn: "Well, girls it's your time to start." "It would be smart to get as far apart from them as you can and for heaven's sake double back as soon as you get them off track." "I'll give you some slack because they are all out to tack you two to the wall so a pitfall will do just fine when dealing with their kind."

PoiCyn now maligned against any Amazon did find that her hate grew each day for her perception of their misguided ways. Now mostly erased her memories were slipping away each day she was in slavery to the eye. So with a faint sigh, she dived right in to begin ascending a palace spire. Higher and higher she climbed until she did find a point in which it could break free. Seeing a finite crack she packed her claws in and spinning power from the dragon's gem this femme started to break loose the massive stem because upending an entire palace tower might even make an Amazon's might sour. But, PoiCyn devoured in the eye's power didn't cower, and was empowered to push it down. Gown in a glowing green light the sight of bricks that were in place for millennia were now sent to the ground pounding hard from such a height. This sight qued in the Amazons on the ground first astounded by what they were seeing but immediately fleeing when they saw the palace tower devour the sky. Luckily, high enough for them to move out of the way before it came crashing down to stay thus cutting the brigade in half. Hundreds of Amazons were now stashed behind a wall of debris that would definitely see them from garnishing full force to retrieve their recently reprieved prisoners.

With The decision being already made to bade the brigade in half Hex and Min cast themselves out of hiding deciding to get this pursuit underway. Playing directly into their ploy the Amazons immediately employed every available body to give chase that wasn't already trying to erase Poicyn's crime spree. Immediately upon seeing them a mass migration cast itself down aimed solely at the capture of the two who they thought brought their guards to an early end.

Sending everyone to their capture General Liz's stature is that of a true leader. Reading into what is going on she dons an aire of suspicion though her conviction to get the criminals can't be questioned she lessens her view and sends her Lieutenant in lieu in her stead for she sees a green glow just below the roofline and suspects an alternate maligned cause of the tower's premature fall. She swears she saw a tail just before the tower sailed to the ground so she makes a sound commitment to investigate what could possibly take down a ten thousand-pound tower.

After scouring her handiwork PoiCyn took her leave of that evening's proceedings while feeling quite achieved with how she just deceived the Amazons. Taking a very long jump off of an adjacent roof while being very careful to still remain aloof well suited in her saber cat genes this was done so quietly and clean that only the keenest of observer would have seen her. A blur of green light almost out of sight making mighty strides from dwelling to dwelling swiftly propelling herself to the residence of General Liz. But, not everything is not as it appears for PoiCyn is being tracked. A black cloak soaked in the shadows watches from afar. The bright starlit night makes it easier for our observer to further their view. No clue what this gruff green abomination wants but their response is to track the perpetrator of the towers' devious attack.
© Peter Gunn