

What do you know about fear ?

Is it the shock that struck your entire body and wouldn't let you move or is it the moment when your blood freeze in the vessels ?Is it the pause just before you taste the iron flavoured blood in your mouth or the instant right before your head is separated from your body ?
What is fear ? and when was the last time you felt it ?

Thousand centuries ago when winter stayed for years and creatures with sharp teeth and long claws roam in the kingdoms to feast over cold human flesh,when kings sitting on their thrones would freeze to death the same way as the shepard in his cottage,when darkness lurk around the seven kingdoms and sinners would pray to the Gods and Goddesses to save them from the giant freeze,and when women bury their children instead of watching them die of hunger,and when a grain of wheat was enough to raise a fight among brothers...I have seen fear dripping through every inch and corner of the people's face,their bodies trembling not because of the enormous snow storm but because of the fear to die a horrible death...and the fear to live while seeing their loved ones die.

Fear,is not what you feel when you see a spider on your wall or a lizard crawling towards you,a car in full speed,stopping,just right before hitting you or the electric shock you get on a rainy day.No!
Fear is something much more.

The horrendous aura of death and darkness when the beast has gripped your throat while you see your family ripped apart by the beast's mates with your blood filled eyes,or the headless corpses you greet on your way to the war with the domain of basilisk ,and you already know what awaits for you next.

Fear,is what you felt right before the clarity of your own death,or the harm of your loved ones.
Fear,is the terror,the king of all the emotions,the most powerful,the dreadful one,the one that tastes like the iron in blood,and felt like the flesh being torn apart from the human thighs,the surety that you are not going to see the next day's light.

So tell me,
What do YOU know about fear ?

~Sakura Sakka
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