

The Silence In The Chaos
With each day that passes, I'm prompted to grieve over the heart wrenching truth that we, as humans, aren't afraid to lose ourselves in the race of life. It's quite unfortunate to learn that we are so intoxicated by the intense desire to obtain luxuries, that we fail to acknowledge the art of subtlety. We are so blinded by the fire of materialistic aspirations, that we do not remember to seek warmth hidden in the flames of subtle sights.

Perhaps, a vast variety of people choose to chase comforts of different kinds, in the process of which, they end up separating themselves from the actual bliss of life. An extended category of varying individuals is prominently known for losing authenticity in the quest of perfectionism. Since, the majority sets out to seek complete satisfaction, it can never be possible for humans to attain genuine happiness. The lack of gratitude, followed by the inability of humans to interpret the role of simplicity in their lives, is what together contributes to the uprising of such concerning cases.

Eventhough, humans are known for their intellect as well as their outstanding ability to reason, they end up taking the wrong turns by showing impulsive behavior towards minor inconveniences. Besides, they tend to constantly exaggerate problems instead of finding solutions peacefully. This is one of the many reasons why they are unable to attain ultimate peace of mind. Along with that, they tend to persistently complain over their obligations, which are actually meant to symbolize the most crucial components of their life journey.

The way we tend to whine over the state of the life we lead, whilst voluntarily refusing to notice what pleasures it holds, is quite disheartening. If one does not wish to live for the days that bring a lot of reasons with them for you to break down, one can at least live for the days that bring along the strength for one to get back on track once again.

It deeply saddens me to know that there are so many people who fail to recognize their hidden potentials, as they continue to search for light, while wandering in the darkness of oblivion. If one does not wish to live due to its miseries, one can still choose to live in the hope of good times to begin soon. Hence, it is essential to realize that the idea of leading a better life is never limited to dealing with complications, because no amount of luxuries is as wholesome as the joy of simple pleasures. Thus, we must make sure that we make the most of life, for as long as we are blessed with it.

© aestheticallypoetic