

tomorrow #1
Its been five years since the horse men took over.All of the police are dead, no weapons to protect ourselves and no hero to swoop in and save the day.

CHAPTER 1: Jay Humburt

Whats up, the names Jay and im just a 17 year old boy who's all alone during these horrible times. My family abandoned me 3 years ago because they say im not to bright and I would only be in the way when we attempted to find food and scraps. I travel alot because I have no bunker to hide in and im currently in a abandoned old town called donodo Valley. This town reeks of dead animals but they houses are still pretty put together. I'm walking to a house to hopefully find food and scraps but in the distance I hear a woman crying and screaming "leave my baby alone". determined to see what's going on, I walk over there to see a bruised lady with ripped cloths and a horse man beating up a kid that looks about 14 with a big stick which had a whip on the end. Me disgusted with this yells "STOP THAT THIS INSTANT" and then they stopped and looked at me "or what you chump, you gonna hurt me" he said in a taunting voice "if I have to I will" i yelled "oh my why would I say that" i thought then my legs started to shake as the horse man took off his horse mask to where now we can see his pitch black eyes and the horrifying grin he made "you hurt me" he said while laughing "then come on chump" as he ran up on me. I looked over to my left to see a shovel. I picked up the shovel and waited for him to get closer so I counted down "5...4...3...2..." and right when he got in front of me I hit his hand as hard as I could with the shovel and he dropped to the ground cursing and yelling. I noticed a knife in his pocket and took it and stabbed him 4 times in the chest. "thank you so much young man" the lady said with a raspy voice. "no problem" I said in a shaky voice for I have never killed anyone in my life. The lady gave me a hug and I had to hold my breath for she smelled just like the horrible reek "come with us, we have a spot for which the horse men have never gone" i picked up the horse mask he dropped and put it in his bag he had on his waist and took the bag and followed the mother and son.

stand by for chapter 2, Reptile Valley coming later today at 8:00 pm