

If you take The Word very important, The word will also take you important.if you trust The Word, The Word will equally Trust you.. (Roman 8:11)..." If the Spirit of Him that raise up, Jesus from the dead, dwell in you, He that raise Christ from the dead shall also quicken your mortal bodies by His Spirit that dwelleth in you"......(Hebrew 4:12) " The Word of God is quick, and powerful, sharper than any two edge sword, ..."
When you meditate or "eat" The Word, continually, you reach a stage ,vwhere you are full, or "intoxicated," with The Word, here, it is no longer you"holding" onto The Word, it is The word that is " holding" firmly, you .in other word , you are now one with The Word, here "the deep called into deep"... So when you meditate on the word, and you are filled up with the word, in your heart down to your spirit, The word swells back to your soul and ignites life, which takes care of your body and make you " quick, powerful, and sharper than any two edge swords"....
The word is a seed in your soul, before the word came, your soul also have other plantings that are not of God: these are weeds, the unwanted plants, "threes of unrighteousness", that the enemy planted since the fall of Adam up till now , these have become strongholds, over many generations.
These " trees of unrighteousness " have become the Life of Man. But, now that the Life Of God is planted in our soul (the Christ in me), it takes the same operation of death that our Lord Jesus Christ undergo to kill and destroy,""the life of the enemy * that has become stronghold over generations, and Faith is this " operation of death " firstly, we are are fighting against the stronghold of the enemy in our soul, so, it will take a stronghold to defeat a stronghold, faith is The Stronghold, ( like David was build as a stronghold to destroy Goliath,the enemy's stronghold), early at salvation, a little seed call "Christ in me" was planted, in our soul. this seed, when given the right conditions to grow, to maturity,, it will destroy the weeds, unwanted plants, trees of unrighteousness , that have become strongholds over generations,
The scripture says, " though we walk in the flesh, we do no walk after the flesh, the weapon of our warfare, are no canal, but mighty through God to the polling down of strongholds,( what are the strongholds?), casting Imaginations, and every high things that exalt itself against the knowledge of God, bringing into captivity every thought the obedient of Christ."... So from the scripture we see the stronghold we are warring against, Imagination, High things that axalt itself against the knowledge of Christ ...and Thoughts.These are the program of the enemy after the fall of the first Adam, these are knowledge the enemy have raised the soul with, he build up this " knowledge over many generations after the the fall of Adam, so it will take a greater knowledge called " Faith" to destroy the corrupt knowledge the enemy had program in man. So we are fighting the Battle of Knowledge, The revelational Knowledge versus information or earthly knowledge. Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ raise in us ( through the Holy Spirit) This Revelational Knowledge, as a stronghold to destroy the enemy's strongholds. And faith came by hearing continually until you you are one with the word, I.e. the same word from your spirit quickened, your soul and manifest in you body, when this happens, the kingdom of God have come to stay in"your world"

© Oyebanji Oyekunle