


The sun was still shining so brightly to show how powerful it was. No eyes could reach he sky. No creatures could gain the energy to move on.And the green grass had turned grey.The wet land had turned dry.

In the middle of the town, there were more than hundreds of people who had been there to meet their essential needs.Eventhough they were not been so tired as the coolbar shops were rich with fruity squashs and wines.

The professor had been there to buy medicines for his sick mother.The medicines costed a lot.Eventhough he managed to pay them.He noticed the people around him.Some seems to be rich, some seems to be from middle class families and some seems to be so poor.The shopkeepers were busy with thier customers.Their eyes never reached in the
customer's eyes but to the wieghting machine. "Correct and accurate.....don't try to bargain with me.",says the vegetable vender.
"Come and have a look at these colorful blankets , Buy two and get fifty percentage offer ,hundred percentage cotton", says another one.

Everyone seems to be busy with thier own works. No one was to do hear anyone. The professor had completed his work.He catched a bus to his village which was twenty-five kilometes away from the town.He needed travel for about one and half hour. The bus would only start to move on after fifteen minutes as it was waiting for other passengers.He took out a book from his bag .By arranging his spectacle he started to read.He couldn't read more because of the sounds of the crowded people.He closed the book and kept it inside his bag.

The Professor turned his eyes towards the middle of the turn.There was a statue of a dove. Doves always stands for love and piece.Eventhough the town doesn't signifies any such emotions.His eyes turned to the other corner of the town.There stood a boy. His appearance explained well that he had not eaten anything for days.He was begging for mercy from everyone who passed across him.No one was ready to help him.The boy stood there without gaining the energy to move on. He noticed the professor's eyes watching him.The poor boy tried to muster his strength to get up.He moved towards the bus. The professor noticed his arrival.Feeling pity on him he took a hundred types more and handed it to him.The boy's eyes were shining so brightly that even the sun could not win over him.The boy smiled at the professor. When compared to the people crowded there only his smile had the emotions of the status of the dove.He moved towards the nearby coolbar and brought a fruit squash.He couldn't wait to sit somewhere as the thirst had defeated him.He drank the squash as fast as he can without bothering his surroundings.

The professor smiled with a breif nod.The bus driver started the bus. The professor turned his eyes from the boy.His mind showed the complete signs of satisfaction.

The crowd was still busy in moving on thier own way without been bothered about whats happening them.

© Hiba Jaleel