

Love with gazetted officer part-3
Now my father started looking for other proposals as according to him this marriage is not feasible. He was also afraid that we may get married without his consent. He called my relatives to find a match for me. Few days passed and I kept quite. After some days, one day I strongly told that if I won't marry him then I can't marry any other guy. I will be unmarried forever. That's it. I made him understand the world has changed. It's our generation now. He should be a bit flexible and change his thoughts. After a while, he agreed. One fine day, my father asked me about Aruj's mobile number and I gave it to him. It was a formal introduction conversation for 5 to 10 minutes. Oneday, we also went to Aruj's office to see him. My father started introspecting every tits and bits. He also talked to his boss. After that we had our lunch and came back to home. I asked him did he liked him? My father told yes he is good but he has less hairs at such an young age. "Just look at my photo how I looked". We both started laughing. Now, came Aruj's turn for convincing his parents. One fine day Aruj told me that his father wants to talk to my...