

Father's Day
This is my story. I am a tiny little girl who arrived in this beautiful world just a few weeks ago. The moment the first rays of the dazzling sun fell upon me, I felt as if I had accomplished the mission of dropping on earth. My world was not too large …...well…...that moment it seemed quite big, when I opened my eyes for the first time. I was such a tiny little thing. Then eventually I noticed another tiny creature crawling beside me. I was so excited to welcome my little sister. I already behaved like an elder sister. I wanted to brag about my first arrival on the earth and gazing at the bright light before her. I wanted to prove my seniority to her.
Two weeks later, I noticed two pairs of eyes watching us all the time. They never stop doing that. They never leave our side. They are my mother and father. All of a sudden I felt something unusual happening inside my little tummy. Then I saw my mother rush out in a jiffy. Within a second she returned holding something which she very carefully and affectionately put in my mouth. That was an amazing experience for the very first time in life. That unusual bubbling thing inside my stomach stopped and I felt happy. That day I knew what food meant. Food is something that satisfies your hunger and you need it badly to breathe in this world. My mother never stopped after that day. She always had something to feed me and my sister. And my father? He was our bodyguard, our superhero, who was always vigilant and protective. Though I had no idea that day, from what he was protecting us?
But that day,...