

So I am getting criticize by my relatives for my Physical appearence. ..
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Time to read : A minute

So I was thinking whether I should post this or not. It took me like 3 days to decide whether to write this or not.

They talk sweet and nice with me, But the next when I leave they start talking truth. Bitter truth is I am getting criticized because they think I am underweight. Well I don't really think so, that I need to gain weight . I think I am fat enough and better lose some grams.

What are they expecting me to be like? They expect me look like the perimeters they think look good on girls. As I look odd with my siblings. They are bit healthier and a bit overweight too. They are doing everything to lose weight now.

So this vacation living at my Mother's brother home, with there family , my Mother's mother and my mother. I realized that I am not really bad. I can be talk of any gossip or any kind of body shaming or even can be a good subject for leading a chit-chat .

Well well I was expecting that to happen. The reason it hurts me more is the person behind all these, I was not expecting her to think about me like this. It is funny how I thaught I am on good terms with some neighbours here. I guess I was thinking too much. Imagine you almost know everything they say about you, but you like them or trying to pretend you don't care.

Take care!
Be happy no matter what!
Love yourself more than anyone or anything in world.
© Niraniramaan