

Focus - 1
There was a secret organisation called FOCUS. Its Head was Mr.Fields. The Agent Y7 was assigned by Mr.Fields for a mission. Three best- skilled agents were recruited for the mission, Agent Y was one of them.
Mr.Fields, "Good Morning, Agent Y".
Agent Y7, "Good Morning, Sir what is the emergency ? "
Mr.Fields, "I have called you because our city is under a threat. A Terrorist gang commonly called 'The Savagers'. has planted a bomb somewhere in the city. You have next 48 hours to detonate it."
Agent Y7, " I will do my best, sir".
Mr.Fields "Here is a list of your partners".
One of them was Agent J3, and another was Agent G4. They began the seek the bomb. They were well equipped with modern ammunition and tech-gadgets.
Agent Y7, "So, are prepared for the mission ?"
Agent G4 and J3, "Yes Sir!" In a bold voice.
Agent G4, "Sir, What is the strategy?".
Agent J3, "Sir, Are we sufficient members for the plan".
Agent Y7, " Agent J3, why you have a query? I think we are definitely capable for it. I think we should focus on our aim."
Agent J3, "Sorry Sir, I should not have to ask such silly questions".
Agent Y7, "Disregard it! We should heed on our work".
Agent J3, "Ok! Sir".
Agent Y7, "We are beginning with the Star Skyscraper. We have to enter from the nearest building to Skyscraper by rope."
Agent G4, "What about the Skyscraper Security ?".
They entered in the Skyscraper as they had planned. In disguise, they reach to the Panic Room to study the map of Skyscraper. They decided to search the Lane M-46 of rooms. There find little bit clue that some mens have passed through Lane M-46. They check the registration. They seems the Room 15 identical because some mens have went in it.
They entered in the room jarringly. As they went, the firing starts so strident.
There were five mens in the room. The clash between those three agents and five gangsters began fiercely. Agent 7 use smog grenade to addled the gangsters. He fire at legs of two of them, he just injured them. Agent G4 done as of Agent 7 but succeed to injured only of them. Whilst Agent was searching for the bomb. Agent 7 succeed for another one but one of them was strong. A clash between Agent 7 and that remained ganster began.
The Gangster jumped out of the window and went rushing. Agent 7 followed him. And so Agent 7 caught with the speed but can't hold. They began Hand to hand combat. Whilst, Agent G4 and J3 come and they arrest the gangster. They asked, "Where you have planted the bomb?". After compelling, he tell the place.

To be Continued....