

Shadowpay : ViSu Squad

(Part - 2)

[ ZVX Gaming Arcade || 16 : 14 pm || 20/12/2025]

Sulav scrolled through his social media feed, his eyes scanning the latest gaming news....meanwhile an unregular customer arrives at the counter after finishing his chores....

Sulav- Bills? C16 right?
( C16 - label for the machine)

Customer(low)- Yeea ye...ah

Sulav- ₹500

he passed the QR code scanner.... as the customer scanned the QR code sulav noticed his hand shaking slightly.

Sulav( thinking) - He deliberately hiding his face.....physique is unusual.

The customer wore a green hoodie and the hood pulled up to cover most of his face. His head was bowed casting a shadow over his features. The...