

3 of 10 | love letter
It's been a while.

Days have drifted by, and I've found myself sinking into a sea of uncertainty, wondering if I've been fed up by your mixed signals. One moment, you shower me with warmth and affection, and the next, it feels as though I've been left stranded on an unknown road.

Yet, amidst this unpredictable journey, I can't help but notice the way we interact, from stolen glances to the smiles that grace our faces when our eyes meet. From the simple greetings we exchange to the warm conversations that only we share.

Friends often ask, "Elara, are you sure about this?" They know it could crumple me and tear me apart, but I acknowledge that I haven't always been brave. I am weak when it comes to you. Still, I muster my courage, hoping that you might do the same.

You are my weakness, my strength, and the intricate tapestry of my existence. My soul feels entwined with yours, like the red strings of fate, perhaps nibbled at by little beings. As destiny rests solely on the choices we make.

(Photo by yours truly; in frame: Denaley)

© aubby.krrn