

Unbelieveble (Chapter 1: Wanda’s Secret)
Chapter 1
One evening in Toronto, a 16 year old boy was sitting on a wooden bench outside his apartment building during a windy, raining, clouded, evening. The boy was scrawny, quite short but could jump very high and had black glasses.. He sat there when he had to relieve his pain. He sat there when he was angry. He sat there when he was agonized. He sat there every day. This boy didn’t have much friends. He had two, a tall boy named Andrew and middle height girl named Wanda. Andrew was very shy and was very inclusive and kept to himself. Wanda on the other hand was more brave and liked to express her emotions to the outside world. On that rainy day, when the 16 year old boy was sitting on the bench, 17 year old Andrew came and sat down beside him. “Hi Erik! How’s it going?” asked Andrew, “ What are you doing out here? It’s literally raining! Let’s go in.” “You go,” replied Erik, “I’ll stay out here for a couple more minutes.”. Andrew walked down the road into the nearby deli. 3 minutes later, Erik got up from the wet bench and walked slowly towards the deli. “ Erik! Get in here! Look who I met!” Yelled Andrew as he can. As Erik walked closer to Andrew, the moist on his glasses started drying. She could now be seen holding a 5 dollar bill and a half eating jelly donut. “Hi guys!” Yelled Wanda. Wanda then did the unexpected. She whispered to Erik as he passed by her. “Andrew is an alien.” Whispered Wanda, “I saw him transform when he was going outside for a “walk””. “Bro, do you have a fever or something because I was with him the entire time!” exploded Erik, “are you hallucinating?!” Questioned Erik. “Shhh!” Whispered Wanda with her finger in front of her lips, “trust me on this one.” Erik replied while rolling his eyes, “fine.” For the entire day, Erik could see Wanda secretly tracking down Andrews every move a white and blue lined note pad. When Andrew went to the grocery store, Wanda could be seen. When Andrew was at the park, Wanda could be seen. That was at 11 at night when Erik realized that the reason might not be because of the “Alien”. That night, Erik couldn’t sleep. He couldn’t shake the thought of Wanda stalking Andrew. “Andrew won’t get harmed right?” Thought Erik that night. He felt severe melancholy and Erik had to calm down. He got out of his bed and went out of his house. He went to that wooden bench he would always rest on and sat there. He closed his eyes and thought of the possibilities of what Wanda could do to Andrew. Sooner or later, Erik couldn’t handle the pressure of saving one of his only friends. He got up from the wet, wooden bench and thought to himself, “take it easy”. Just then, when Erik was getting up a red car passed by on the road and kicked a little pebble at Erik’s head. The pain when a rock kicked by a car driving at 200 miles per hour gets chipped into your forehead is unbelievable. When the rock impacted, Erik got knocked down onto the side walk and started vomiting blood. When his chin dropped to the floor, 3 of his teeth’s got chipped straight from the gums. He couldn’t bare this agony. He then wiped out. Throughout the entire day, Andrew felt that he was watched. He felt like he was spied on. He felt unsafe. Andrew couldn’t fall asleep. His thoughts of being unsafe disturbed his sanity. He eventually gave up on trying to rest so he went outside to take a quick walk around his block. When he was halfway finished his walk, he saw a body covered in freshly spilled blood. He looked on the ground and he saw 3 teeth. Andrew grabbed the sides of the head and lifted ups so he could see the face. The face was deformed and mangled almost beyond recognition.But sooner or later did Andrew realize that this was Erik’s body…
“What the hell!?” Screamed Andrew. “What the hell is happening?” “Why is Erik on the ground?!”

Wait for Chapter 2!

© Sunset_is_always_there