

If you look at her closely
If you look at her closely,
You can see that,
Every now and then
She turns away from her group of friends her smile disappears
She don't want to be there anymore,
And she becomes another person for a
few seconds;
A sad person
A person who is broken and damaged,
A person who is not capable of being happy,
sometimes she just like being quite,
sometimes she needs to go on and off by her own,
Sometimes she feels alone even tho she has peoples around her 24/7,
She feels alone because she feels that their is no one to sit and listen,
And after a few depressing seconds,
She goes back to her group,
Smiling and joking around,
She almost looks like she's actually happy but,
If you look at her closely
You can see how fake her smile really is And you can see all the wreckage behind her fake smile.
© S.Sangwan 💜