

who's calling me outside?
Eva shifted a new city for job. She started living in a house which she bought from an old lady. But that lady was so misterious. That lady gave her all legal papers of the house before paying her commited money. When Eva went to her house to give her money she found no one at her house. She heard from a neighbour that lady was no more. She committed suicide at her house cause of depression.

Eva was shocked by this incident. But she needed time to shift another place. At night, she was in deep sleep. Suddenly someone call out her name. "Eva, Eva, Eva." She woke up with a great fear. She moved from her bed slowly. But that voice wasn't clear. She checked every room but found no one. When she almost entered her room she heard that voice again. It comes from outside. She was trembling. She didn't open the door. She just ran away to her mothers room and slept with her mother.
In the morning Eva was walking in front of her house with a coffee. But she bacame so terrified whe she saw some footprints on the way to her home. She clearly understood that someone had come that night.
The whole day Eva couldn't concentrate on her work. She was shocked by that incident. She came back home early that day. Her mother was wondering for her early coming. She welcomed Eva with a light hug and told her to go for changing and she was waiting for her at the dining table. Eva simply left. But one thing she noticed. It was the fear of her mother's eye.
At the dining table they finished their dinner silently. Breaking the silence her mother told her, "Eva can you bought another house for us?" Eva surprisingly asked "why?" "I don't feel well here. Something is wrong." "But what happened? Is someone called your name from outside?" Eva's mother socked. "How you know this?" Eva couldn't understand what she would say. "I'm kidding mom. Don't take it seriously." "But I'm not kidding Eva. Someone was really calling me out. But I didn't see anyone by the window, " Eva's mother replied so angrily. "Ok mom I will think about it." Eva left for her bed.
At the midnight Eva woke up from bed because of that voice. She saw by her window, there was no one outside but she clearly hearing that voice. Someone was calling her outside. Eva went to her mothers room and found her awake." Mom I'm hearing that voice." "Don't worry dear. I'm with you. " They just praying for the end of that horrible night.
At the morning Eva left for office and took her mom to her uncle's house. But she finished her work early because she had another plan. She wanted to know about her house. She went to her neighbours house. But what she heard from there she just couldn't believe that.

What Eva heard from her neighbour? We will know it in the next part.