

If I Were a Multi-Millionaire: What Would I Do?
"Delight in the Heavenly Gifts, Travel around Eating all that is Good. But in your Blessings, never Forget the Stranger and Needy. Your Family, and Friends."


A WRITCO Collaboration




































What would I do if I had lots and LOTS of Cold Hard Cash?
Well, I suppose first I would buy Tickets for all Nigerian Friends here to America.
Then I would Eat Bowl after Bowl of Fudge-Covered Ice Cream with Candy Sprinkles and Bananas and Such.
I'd take a Spin on a Space Shuttle to Mars, while eating the selfsame Bars.
I'd run Rings around Saturn while the Rocket Slings me into another Pattern.
I'd try to end World Hunger and give you each your own House.
But darn this little Pest, I'd have to get rid of this Mouse.
Everyone would wear Silk and Leather and have a Fine Feather.
And the Newsman regardless would always say Sunny ☀️ Weather.
What would I do with a Million Million Dollars?
Well you'll probably Holler
But I'd likely just give it Away.
Well ... Mostly, Anyway


With millions in the bank, I'd roam,
Free to chase my dreams, my heart's home.
No financial worries, no stress or fear,
Just the freedom to live, year after year.

I'd help my loved ones, and those in need,
And make a difference, with every deed.
I'd live a life of purpose, and joy untold,
A multi-millionaire, with a heart of gold.

And though wealth brings comfort, and a life of ease,
It's the love and laughter, that truly brings release.
So here's to living life, with abundance and grace,
And finding happiness, in every single place.


I'd support entrepreneurs, with visionary schemes,
My wealth would grow, as would my name,
As a philanthropist, with a heart that's tame.

But with great wealth, comes great responsibility,
To use my riches, with humility and ability,
To make a difference, in the world outside,
And leave a legacy, that would not subside.

So I'd use my wealth, to make a positive impact,
To help the needy, and the planet's fragile fact,
And though I'd live, a life of luxury and ease,
My heart would remain, with the world's needs and please.


If I were a multi-millionaire,
I'd spread my wealth with utmost care,
To those in need, I'd give my heart,
To ease their burdens, do my part.

I'd build homes where hope could grow,
In neighborhoods where spirits glow,
Provide the hungry with a feast,
From west to east, the needs increased.

In schools, I'd place the brightest light,
For every child, a future bright,
Scholarships and books for all,
To help them rise and never fall.

Hospitals would feel my touch,
Where healing hands would mean so much,
Free care for those who suffer pain,
So they could smile and dream again.

Communities would see a change,
With parks and centers in their range,
Programs for the old and young,
Songs of unity be sung.

With every dollar, I'd ensure,
A world more just, a future pure,
For wealth is more than gold and shares,
It's in the love that someone shares.

If I were blessed with riches grand,
I'd lend my heart, extend my hand,
To be a beacon in the night,
And fill the world with love and light.


If I were a multimillionaire
I would lay in the comfort of my room
Controlling my businesses and wealth via Zoom
I would bask in the luxury of my riches
My house would be perfect even to the smallest inches

poverty will feel trepidation at the sound of my name
and oh, an orphanage, I'd build an orphanage home
the mother-less kids will no longer roam
this, my friend, is what I'll do, if I were a multimillionaire


If I were a multi-millionaire,
My life would be a lavish fare,
With riches abound, I'd live with flair,
In mansions grand, with gardens rare.

My pockets deep, my future bright,
I'd invest and grow my wealth in sight,
Philanthropy would be my delight,
Helping others, banishing the night.

I'd travel far, to exotic lands,
Experience cultures, with eager hands,
Give the needs, would adorn my space,
Help the poor, a wondrous race.

But amidst the wealth, I'd remember too,
The value of love, and friendships true,
For in the end, it's not the gold that shines,
But the heart that's rich, with love that's mine.
So here's to wealth, and all its charm,
May it bring joy, and keep me from all harm.


I'd invest in dreams, in hopes, in fears,
In people and projects, through all the years,
I'd give to those in need, with an open hand,
And make a difference, in this world so grand.

I'd live a life of freedom, of choice,
With time to pursue my every voice,
I'd follow my passions, my heart's desire,
And make a difference, like a burning fire.

But even with all this wealth and might,
I'd remember where I came from, day and night,
And stay humble, stay kind, stay true,
For that's what matters, that's what shines through.


If I were a multi-millionaire,
I'd live a life beyond compare,
With wealth and riches at my command,
I'd make the world a better land.

I'd travel far and wide,
Staying in luxurious hideaways inside,
From mansions to mansion, I'd have it all,
And never worry about a single fall.

I'd help the needy, feed the poor,
Provide for those who ask for more,
Support great causes, fund the arts,
And make a difference in the hearts.

I'd invest in dreams, in hopes, in fears,
And bring joy to a thousand tears,
I'd be a philanthropist, a force for good,
And leave a legacy, as I knew I should.

But for now, I'll just dream and sigh,
And wonder what it's like to touch the sky,
For being a multi-millionaire, it's true,
Is a life I can only imagine, a new.


First I pay tithe.
I make sure that I and my fiance finish the wedding,
and purchase a house and car to make it easier to get around.
Then we begin our ministry by starting an evangelical mission.
We build orphanages to protect those in need,
and help the most vulnerable, young and old.
Then help as many people that I can on this group according to their need.
I can't wait to meet Bro Michael and relieve his stress.
Helping him and taking good care of him.
I also help my family, including my mother and siblings.
I invest financially in the kingdom of God and also in companies with good offers.
I do a lot of charity, spreading kindness far and wide,
and I have a foundation for those with various addictions, leading them to Christ.
And so on...
Wealth in hand, spreading love and care,
hoping to make an impact everywhere.


If I were a multi millionaire $

I'll build my mama a big house
Tell her I made it and she'll never lack till she's gone from this world
Buy her everything she wants and show her I'm sorry for all the pain I caused
Repay everyone who was there for me in my lowest days, make sure they're okay
Build Free schools and hospitals ..Do God's work and take care of the poor and needy
Travel round the world, build businesses and make sure my family is okay financially for a life time
Invest and never stop investing
I'll remind myself I made it despite the odds against me 😊
Write an autobiography about my struggles 😢
Days I thought I wouldn't make it then
Remain Grateful to God for the rest of my Life.


If I were a multimillionaire
I would help the poor,
I would give scholarships
to poor people who do not
have the money to fend for
a proper education.

I would pay entrepreneurship companies
To teach young people how to do great
Business so that people would not suffer hardship, after all what the need of being
Rich when the people can't be helped by the wealth of another person.

I will support church project's
So as to propagate religion.
I would open companies and employ the unemployed in our nations so as to eradicate poverty in our land.

I will host a skill acquisition program
Where by people without a basic skill
Could learn a skill and help he or herself
In this world,I will send money monthly to orphanages and build a house to house beggers in our land


If I were a multi-millionaire,
I'd use my wealth to make a difference rare,
I'd fund the arts, and science too,
And help the world in all that I could do.

I'd build a hospital, a school, a home,
For those in need, and make their hearts feel known,
I'd be a philanthropist, with a heart of gold,
And leave a legacy that would never grow old.


If I were a multi-millionaire
I'd live a life beyond compare
With wealth and riches at my command
I'd make the world a better land.

I'd travel far and wide
Staying in luxury, side by side
With champagne and caviar on my plate
And a private jet to take me to my fate.

I'd own a mansion, grand and fair,
With rooms and rooms, beyond compare
A private beach, and a yacht to sail
And a team of staff, to cater to my hail.

But most of all, I'd use my wealth,
To make a difference, to bring forth health
To feed the hungry, and shelter the poor
And bring hope to those, who have none in store.

If I were a multi-millionaire
I'd live a life, that's truly rare
A life of luxury, and a life of ease
But most of all, a life of peace.


What A Millionaire Am I

In a world where wealth is to some a crown
I stand before you just as a humble clown
A millionaire most will say owns gold and gems
But all of my riches lie within dreams that never ever end

My heart is full of love and of fulfilling hope
My mind of knowledge and of boundless scope
I have seen the world both near and far
And found that true wealth is found where we all belong

A millionaire am I in all ways untold
For I have lived this life that is brave and bold
I have danced upon the strings of fate
And I have laughed at fortune's fickle gate

My life is not of grand estates or yachts
Nor private jets that soar through lofty heights
My treasures are the memories which I have happily made
The people I have loved and who have loved me back

I am a millionaire yes that is so true
But more than that I say I am just like you
For we all have our own kind of precious memories of wealth
Our own stories have been told and our own tales with which to tell

So here is to all the millionaires out there
The ones who know the true meaning of being fair
The ones who share their love and inner light
And make this world a brighter place one full step in front of step at a time


If I were a Multi Millionaire

I buy myself gifts
Travel around the world
Eat fast foods and drink the finest wines
Go on shopping sprees
I give to charity and I buy myself a home and and a car


Life changes and desires abound with lots of cash in the pocket.
I will definitely spend days thinking about what to spend the money on so it can be fruitful.
Still, these things are certain in my heart, to help family and friends who have been there for me when I had none.
Help the poor and groom them so they could help others because collectively we make the world a better place.
Fund the gospel, spreading the word of Christ to more people.
Go on vacations with my love ones enjoying and being peaceful at all times.


If I were a multimillionaire
I would turn every hidden bolt with my magical spanner
Just thinking that makes Joy fill my heart
With endless possibilities and a chance to make a start
I'd travel to exotic lands and fulfill every single dream
Just like a magical wishing stream

Like a nitrous oxide, I'll spread laughter and happiness everywhere
I'll eliminate every speck of sadness with a happy glare
I'd spread love far and wide
And show the world that kindness is more precious than pride
For wealth is not in gold alone, but in the hearts we touch
And in the difference we can make when we care for others much

So if one day I am blessed with riches beyond compare
I'll strive to be a beacon of compassion, love and care
For true wealth lies not in riches but in the good we do
And if, only if I was multimillionaire, just imagine all the many things I'd do


If I were a multi-millionaire,
I'd live a life beyond compare,
With wealth and riches at my command,
I'd make the world a better land.

I'd travel far and wide,
Staying in luxurious hideaways inside,
From mansions grand to yachts so fine,
My lifestyle would be simply divine.

I'd help the needy, donate with glee,
Supporting causes dear to me,
Education, healthcare, and the arts,
Would flourish with my generous heart.

I'd invest in dreams, in innovations bold,
In entrepreneurs with stories untold,
Creating jobs, and opportunities galore,
A multi-millionaire's legacy in store.

But most of all, I'd remember my roots,
And stay humble, with a heart that computes,
The value of love, family, and friends,
The true wealth that never ends.

So here's to the dream, of being a multi-millionaire,
May it come true, with no single care!


My dream is big, my aim is high
To reach the top, and touch the sky
I want to be, a multi-millionaire
With wealth and riches, beyond compare

I dream of mansions, and cars so fine
Of luxury travels, and a life divine
I dream of freedom, from financial stress
And the ability, to live life at its best

I dream of investing, in ideas so bright
And watching them grow, into a prosperous sight
I dream of helping others, with a generous hand
And making a difference, in this world so grand

My dream is clear, my goal is set
To work hard and smart, and never forget
That with determination, and a heart so true
I'll reach my dream, and become a multi-millionaire too


I could invest in businesses, donate to charities, travel the world, buy my dream home, or even start my own foundation.i can help in creating a scholarship fund to help students in need, starting a nonprofit organization to support a course you're passionate about, investing in renewable energy projects to help the environment, or even launching a mentorship program to help others achieve their goals? I can establish a community center in my neighborhood, sponsoring local sports teams, creating a podcast or YouTube channel to share knowledge and inspire others, or even starting a small business to support my community


If I were to be a president.

If I were to be a president I will build bridges and build a comfortable home for the poor masses make sure that the masses had free education, I will build a comfortable hospital for the masses who are dying for the lack of money, empowering the youths,I will make sure that my country have uninterrupted power supply, i will make my country a democratic one and a very comfortable place to stay ...

So help me God🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻


If I were a Multi-Millionaire


What would I do if I had lots.
Well first I'll work with the best Doctors to provide permanent cure for heart surgery.
Then I'll be attending to you till you're all cozy.
Then I'll let you Rest.
Without those who just wants to benefit from you no pest.
Then I'll create an easy life.
For you with no strife.
Then we'll build my hometown church.
After then we'll play dutch.
We'll serve God truly.
We'll face all furry.
A vacation with lots of sweets.
We'll snap and tweet.
What would I do with lots of cash.
Well I'll away dash.
Not for fame.
Buh to put Satan to shame.


I have a dream, a vision grand
To build an orphanage, a loving hand
For children in need, a place to call home
Where they can grow, and never feel alone

To help the homeless, a shelter from the night
A warm embrace, a chance to start anew in sight
And for those seeking refuge, a safe haven to find
A place to belong, a heart that's kind

My dream is wonderful, a beacon of light
Guiding me forward, through the dark of night
It's a dream of kindness, of love and of grace
A world where everyone has a place


(foreigner's foot)

the same block names
the same street memes
the same trees and bird
traffic noises i heard.

the same quiet chapel
the same unread article
the same rusty bell
the rich men's hotel.

[but when i'm back in sorso,
i feel something new.]

the same sordid linen
the same empty abdomen
the same wrecked carts
and some hopeful hearts.

the same beggars and bowls
the same shirt dirt and holes
the same length of arms
and some sorrowful charms.

[but when i'm back in sorso,
i feel something new.]

the same business brands
the same major commands
the same nifty restaurants
the ones everybody wants.

the same posters and rallies
the same unwanted accessories
the same mediocre academies
my unsaid apologies.

[but when i'm back in sorso,
i feel something new.]

i looked down my feet
now covered with the finest elite
unlike my walking callous
and my wounded palace.

someone asked me,
if i were wealthy,
how would i be?

maybe—just maybe—
i may change the view.


What would I do if I became a multi millionaire,
Perhaps buy a cottage in the country, for us to share.
Where we would awaken to the song birds call,
Watch the leaves change color in the fall.
Sit on the porch in the sun,
Seeing the world go by, and having fun.

Maybe take a luxury ocean cruise,
Play the pokies in the bar @night hoping not to loose.
Have a daily swim in one of the pools,
Then relax in the sauna, have a massage to keep trim.

Travel up to a french mountain resort,
Do some climbing and enjoy the snow sports.
At night in the casino, play black jack,
Or dance the night away.

But first, the lotto I will have to win,
I think the chances of that, are pretty slim...


In a world of luxury and wealth untold,
As a multi-millionaire with a besty so bold,
We'd travel the globe in style and grace,
Exploring new lands, embracing each place.

Shopping sprees in Paris, dining in Rome,
Sailing the seas to find our new home,
Charity galas and parties so grand,
Giving back to those in need, lending a helping hand.

Luxurious cars and private jets,
Sunset views from our lavish sets,
Investing in dreams, making them real,
Living life to the fullest, with a heart that can feel.

With my besty by my side, through thick and through thin,
We'd conquer the world, with a smile and a grin,
For true wealth lies not in riches alone,
But in the bonds we share, in the love we've grown.


If wealth and riches came my way,
I'd use them to brighten each passing day,
For loved ones dear, and friends so true,
I'd change their lives, with all I could do.

I'd lift the weight of financial strife,
And bring them joy, and a peaceful life,
A home to call their own, with room to roam,
And opportunities to chase their dreams back home.

I'd fund their passions, and support their goals,
And help them reach for their highest souls,
I'd be a blessing, in times of need,
A multimillionaire, indeed.

I'd share my wealth, with an open hand,
And bring hope to those, in a distant land,
I'd make a difference, in every place,
And leave a legacy, with a smiling face.

And one of the first things I'd do,
Is book a flight, to Washington DC, too,
To visit my friend Michael, and give him a grin,
And show him the power, of a multimillionaire's win.

We'd explore the city, and all its delight,
From monuments to museums, shining bright,
We'd make some memories, and have a blast,
And celebrate the joy, that our friendship has cast.

So if fortune smiled, and riches came my way,
I'd use them to change, the lives of those I love each day .


The thought of being millionaire,
Later increase it to be a quadrillionaire.
Spending on purchasing necessities to the poor,
And changing their lives to attain grandeur.

Build a huge jacuzzi,
And relax absolutely.
Cease all operations that harm the innocent people,
And make the world more amicable.

From artist to my dearest,
I will always be a philanthropist.
Every penny, used for a good cause,
Even if it's abolishing or removing flaws.


But hold on
A dream this grand can't be all lollipops and glee
A million problems come with dough
So let's invest in brilliant minds
Fund research that saves the day
Clean oceans
Vibrant reefs
Where dolphins love to play.

We'd build schools that spark young minds
With libraries grand and tall
Knowledge flows like rivers wide
Accessible to all
There'd be music in every park
And laughter fill the air
Art studios bursting with life.

Of course
A trip to Fiji sounds tempting
But the greatest joy
Brought on by gentle breeze
Of change
Of progress
Future bright and bold
More than just ice cream in space.

Maybe I'd keep a bit
'Cause adventures yet to be
Hot air balloon across the sky
A chance to climb a tree
For even multi-millionaires deserve a silly whim
As long as kindness guides the way
And dreams can conquer them!

🌈 📖





(all poets and their respective poetry are solely owned by themselves and may not be used or copied without their explicit permission for any reason.)