

Secrets Kept
I was standing in the hall. But one student whispered something to another student! The other student seems very harmed by what he heard.
I ran up to him. "What's the matter?"
"Nothing." the boy said, and simply turned away. I didn't get this. My friend was always happy and enthusiastic about every new start each day before this incident. What had happened? Was it the secret that causes it?
As I continued my day, things got worse. Things were sidetracked, and it was hard to stay organized.
On my way home, I saw this: the person who whispered the secret to the boy wqas being beaten by two girls. They were yelling things very angerly at each him, and it was displeasing to hear it.
"Why did you threaten my boyfriend?"
"Why are you spreading those wicked rumors?"
Okay. I have to stop it.
The next day, a girl walked up to me and asked, "Do you hear about how much danger that Sammie has brought to us?"
I remembered that Sammie was my friend. I needed to defend him, and Sammie never did anything bad.
"Ha! I don't think so!" I yelled at her slyly, and walked up to the Principal's office.
"Serious business! Rumors are being spread. This highly displeased me. Why are they keeping those secrets? Well--we have to find out!"
And so we walked out. We talked to all the students we caught keeping secrets or spreading rumors.
And the next day things instantly changed. NO other people were having issues with anything. I was pleased. After all--lesson learned! Never keep secrets or spread rumors. This can lead to widespread disorder. If you don't, there will be rewards.
The End!
© Snow W.