

Doctor's Visit
The preparation tasks were customary as they had always been. A full sterilization process for the equipment and myself, preparation of the room, gloves and layers to maintain personal cleanliness. All very standard procedure that I had gone through countless times. I came to the door and adjusted the plastic white mask that covered my face. After all a doctor must always make sure their uniform is in place. Opening the door and striding into the room I am temporarily blinded by the bright light of the room but it fades just as quickly as it came. I glance around the room, a blank white canvas as it usually was before each procedure. Though it never lasted long as operations sometimes became messy especially in the heat of the moment. Looking up at the observation box there is only a woman and two children. She was blonde, tall, with pale skin and very gentle features on her face. Tears streaks stained her face as she looked through the glass of the room. The children seemed preoccupied however as the eldest seemed more interested in keeping the youngest from touching his game system. I look to the mother the slight turn of the head showing my change of focus. She gives me a nod with tears in her eyes as the mixture of emotions on her face came to rest at anger. It seems she's made her decision well, time to start the procedure. I walk up to the surgical table which held a naked man on it bound by his hands and feet. He was middle aged with their being no way for him to be a day over forty. Five feet nine inches, two hundred and thirty five points, brown hair, brown eyes, light complexion, small scar on stomach due to work injury. All things checked out as I picked up the clipboard off the medical rack and tapped the man's foot to wake him up. Eyes fluttering open he began to speak still a little off balance from the sedatives that were administered earlier.

"Where am I? and why is it so bright...and where are my clothes?"

"Mr..." I look down at the chart again "...Richardson, correct?"

He turned to me with a startled look as the blank white mask stared back at him. I patiently waited for the answer as I always did as the silence was usually enough to coax out responses by itself.

"Yeah who wants to know?"

"Oh I don't matter in this situation I will simply be taking care of your procedure today."

His eyes grew confused.

"But there's nothing wrong with me?" He shifted on the table attempting to stand and noticed the restraints.

"Hey let me go!"

I begin flipping through the pages of the clipboard skimming over information. The quiet page turns only interrupted by more outbursts from my reluctant patient. Many of which were focused on being released though there was one inquiring about his clothes which made me chuckle silently to myself. Soon I began pacing about him tightening his restraints as I went and once the final one had been finished I turned to an image.

"Mr. Richardson do you know who this is?" He stared at me with bewilderment as I turned the image around to face him. A still image of the woman in the observation woman above in a white dress with a veil and him in a black suit stared back at him. His eyes narrowing at me he began to answer.

"Yes that's me and my wife on our wedding day." He shifted in the restraints still attempting to release himself. I ignore his movements and nod gently.

"Indeed and is this not the same woman and your son as well?" I flip to a page with a picture of a woman lying in a hospital bed holding a baby and turn it to face him.

"Yes what the fuck does that have to do with anything?"

I gently tap the clipboard on his forehead a few times after his indignant response.

"Now that's no way to speak to the man in charge of your procedure. Besides your children are present you should set a good example for them."

He immediately froze his eyes widening in confusion and fear as he stared at me trying to gauge if they were in the same posistion as he was.

"Don't worry they are safe, as is your wife."

He relaxed marginally until he asked a question.

"How did you know I have two kids?"

"Funny, it says and shows here that you have three." I continue to flip through the pages lazily, his panicked breathing beginning to fill the room until I came to a very unique image. Staring at the image I wait for his breathing to quiet before speaking again.

"What can you tell me about this image?"

It was him smiling with a woman, one different from his wife. She had dark skin and an almost fierce appearance with very distinct and almost chiseled features yet still feminine. They were both holding up a child one that seemed to be the same age as the youngest. He began to sweat now furiously attempting to escape his restraints though whether it was from a need for freedom or the ability to escape this situation I could not tell. I picked up one of the syringes on the table and injected it into his upper arm and he began to calm. He turned his face toward the blank mask he was beginning to associate with fear and slowly spoke.

"What...did you do to me?"

"Just a minor sedative to keep you calm but still alert now answer the question: What can you tell me about this image?"

He stirred slightly on the operating table and began to answer.

"It's my mistress and my child."

After this statement there was a sound from the observation box and as we looked up we saw the woman hurriedly rush the two children out of the room. She began to cry and scream incoherently in grief. Though she told me she already knew this it was why I was hired after all. We continued to watch her as she tore the observational room apart throwing chairs around the room and screaming until she came to a pitiful rest on the floor crying. She sobbed to herself for a few minutes before collecting herself and returned to watching us. The man however could only close his eyes out of shame as I turned back to him as he only now became aware of her presence.

"I'm so sorry Helen!"

He shouted to her from his position tears of regret pouring down his own face. Her face initially twisted with anger which quickly transitioned into a solemn look of both depression and disgust. She remained quiet and stared at him before making one simple statement with a chilling tone.

"You aren't sorry yet."

She turned to me and gave me a nod which was all the signal I needed to proceed. I turned back to the man tossing the clipboard aside it's cacophonous bouncing only overshadowed by the man's blubbering.

"It seems it's time to begin the procedure."

I begin picking through the various knives, scalpels, saws, needles, and pins next to his table. He began to panic again but was too weak from the sedatives to really struggle within his restraints.

"What are you going to do to me?! Please don't hurt me I'll do anything!"

I stepped closer to him the blank visage of my mask hovering over his face.

"I'm afraid I can't do that, the procedure was booked, paid for, and you're already here for your appointment."

He grew even more desperate to escape, afraid of what would happen to him if he did not in the coming moments.

"I'll pay you more, double in fact-no triple."

I froze in my movements after deciding upon a particularly thin scalpel before turning slowly to him. Staring at him for a time I remained silent and so did he as he continued to hope to find a way out of this. Soon I began to chuckle, which grew into laughter quickly filling the room. His eyes seemed hopeful for a moment before I relaxed and suddenly plunged the scalpel into the base eliciting a scream from the man as tears began to pour from his eyes.

"I'm afraid I can't accept your offer after all I do have a strict customer satisfaction guarantee and what kind of business would I be running if I could be bought so easily."

He began to thrash violently on the operating table in a desperate attempt to escape while I turned back to the observation room. Removing my mask to reveal my teeth I smile at the woman.

"Are there any special requests from you madam?"

She simply stares at me mostly disturbed but it was quickly overcome by her hatred of my patient. Shaking her head no I return the mask to its' orginal position once again masking my face. Turning around to face the sniveling man once again I grabbed the scalpel and continued my work. He began screaming as I started with the tendons on his feet. Carefully I removed the Achilles on both legs and placing them delicately in the bucket next to me. The man cried all the while begging for his life to two people who had sworn to see it through. One out of raw unfettered hatred and the other out of the twisted joy he received from committing such acts. Wiping the blood off on my scrubs I sealed the bucket and slid it under the operating table. I patted the man on the chest as I spoke to him again giggling as I did.

"I do hope you don't mind me keeping those two mementos."

His eyes strained from crying simply looked at me in terror and I smiled at him.

"Don't look at me like that, the procedure is only just getting started, and I would hate for you to go into it with such a bad attitude. After all you're about to be more open, vulnerable, and exposed to your wife than you've ever been in a few hours."

I began again taking great care to ensure my patient did not pass too quickly. Starting at each shoulder I made two incisions ensuring not to go below the third layer of skin. Tracing down from there until i stopped just before the waist. Peeling back the layers made the man scream like a newborn child as he covered the table in urine and defecation his body doing everything to protect him from me. Unfortunately for him it will not be enough. Soon his muscles became exposed to the open air and I applied alcohol to it in order to prevent infection. The fact it hurts like a flame being lit on the interior of your skin was a bonus to this, as was the crying from the man. I focused on his lower waist or more specifically on his member. Reaching for the organ the man begin to squirm and screeched out actually cohesive sentences much to my suprise.

"Please no, anything but that, just kill me but don't torture me, not like that, please, please, pleasepleasepleasepl-"

His cries were cut off as I inserted the needle into his urethral tube. Soon followed by teasing traces along it, until I noticed he wasn't looking and layed on the table with his eye shut tightly.

"Open your eyes." I said in a monotone voice now growing annoyed by this act of protest. The eyes were always the best part of this process, the fear, the pain, the agony, it all made each part of each procedure feel truly worth it especially for the client. He remained silent and continued his defiance in silence.

"You'll regret it if you don't" I say in a sing song voice. Yet he persisted.

"Fine have it your way." I walked up by his head and place the scalpel on his eyelid.

"Last chance." was all I said yet he continued to keep his eyes shut, as if seeing his situation would make it real and if those were his thoughts, well, they were about to come to fruition. I pressed the blade down cutting through his eyelid. His screaming began again reinvigorated by the act of having his eyes being exposed to light in the most gruesome way possible. Soon the eyelid came loose and once remove by my forceps his rapidly moving eye was revealed to the world once again. The eyelids twin soon followed suit in a similar manner. Now with both bulbs exposed to the world again I spoke.

"Isn't that better now you can see the transformation you're about to undergo in full detail."

The man continued to scream his tears now mixing with the blood flowing from his eyes. I once again placed the scalpel upon his phallus imagining the creation in my mind. Eventually I began to cut, and the man screamed louder than he ever had at any point before this process. Soon one cut became dozens as I practiced my filigree and where the head of his genitals once stood was what could best be described as a bloody flesh rose. Leaning back I observed my work and the state of my work space. The man had stopped screaming though it seems more as if he had blown out his vocal cords. Thinning trails of blood dripped from his eyes and mouth. The room we occupied had remained relatively clean aside from the operating table, which had become a grotesque mixture of blood, bile, urine, and various other bodily fluids. I removed my mask and smiled at the man as life slowly slipped away from him.

"It would seem your appointment is at an end, I hope you enjoyed your appointment."

These parting words were the last things he heard as I slit his throat and pulled his tongue through the hole and left him turning off the light as life left him. Naturally everything went standard as it always did afterwards just a simple decontamination process, removal and destruction of the previous set of scrubs and of course the outpatient meeting. I walked out of the operating room and walked the labyrinth of hallways until I reached my office. Walking in Helen Richardson, newly widowed and still seemingly recovering from her reaction to what she had witnessed. I sat down at my desk and addressed her.

"Well I do hope everything met your expectations." I said to her with a smile

She simply stared back and nodded in the affirmative. Turning to the children I smile and open a small chest of toys.

"And for you children for behaving so well with the other staff you get to pick a prize."

Both of the children exclaimed happily as they raced to the chest to determine what prize they would get. Soon they had made their choice and were soon escorted out of the facility by a nurse. I turned the pages of my appointments today and crossed off Mr. Richardson's name and crossed out his picture on his profile. Checking the rest of my schedule I stopped on the image of a small child and smiled to myself. My next appointment would be for little Trevor Robertson it seems, and it was scheduled by his own mother. Chuckling lightly I look at the exact same picture of Mr. Robertson with his mistress and child, with the child's face circled. My next appointment should be very enjoyable indeed.