

Last night at boot camp...
I go home tomorrow and our talks will be over so I better say my goodbye tonight I thought. My soul was depressed and I felt sad all day I didn't want things to end I was going to miss him and the pond. Our talks were one of the things that I looked forward to even though he did most of the talking.
Of all days this one had to be the shortest
for some reason I had never seen him so much any other day. Everytime I saw him my heart would get so heavy I felt like crying knowing that I would be saying bye later.
Of all days the time flew by everybody was busy packing up getting ready to leave at 7 in the morning. I'm glad that it is early in the morning so this heaviness in my heart won't have long to linger. The newbies come in as we leave out. That evening the instructors gave a pep talk congratulating us on achieving our weight lost goals and how to keep going even after we go back home.
After dinner everybody were talking about getting back home and what they were going to do. I was laying on my bunk looking at the ceiling trying not to cry when Sara said I wish I could take that Sammy home with me that brother some kinda fine. The women started getting showers going to bed.
I got my shower and got into bed about 9:30.
The closer time got the scarier I got what would I say what would he say. After everybody fell asleep I got dressed and started slowly walking to the pond Sam was swimming since this is your last night here
come in with me West he said. I shook my head no he knew that I was sad so he got out
Sara said that she wish that she could take you home with her. Sara, he said that's the one that's always half naked right. All of them want to take you home with them I said. West that don't excite me he said. Everyone of those women came here in skin tight tights showing every curve that their body was made of. Twenty five women and what I noticed was that you were the only one fully dressed from head to toe. West they all could be completely naked and I wouldn't look at any of them for seeing you he said. West there are things that are sexy to some men but turn other men off.
See I'm not the only man seeing those curves
Yes, they look good and they look good to every man that is looking at them and believe every man here is looking. What I noticed was that you're always fully dressed your clothes fit but are never skin tight kinda relaxed to fit. You wear nice clothes but never provocatively your style is neat and to me that make you sexy he said.
West what I have come to notice over my years of growing is that whenever I get in a relationship with a woman that dresses provocatively the relationship is just sexual.
I'm older and what I want is a lady not just a woman. Well I said there are new women coming in in the morning you'll have more that you can talk to. Let's not make tonight an all nighter I've got a long drive tomorrow and I want to be rested fot it I told him. We stood there looking at each other he walked over to me and asked can I get a hug West or is that wrong. I walked into his arms and it felt like I belonged there.
He smelled so good his face touched mine slowly he slide his face down mine slightly touching the corner of my lips.
I want you West good night he whispered. Dont you mean goodbye I said
No West he said I mean goodnight.....
The next morning everybody packed up their cars got their bags from the office with their personal items Sam was nowhere to be seen. After all the goodbyes I got into my car
and drove off campus. I was one of the first to leave at the end of the drive he was sitting in his truck. My phone rang I didn't recognize the number hello I said.
Can I call you West the voice said as I drove towards him all I could was shake my head but just that felt so dam good.
I don't want to stop talking to you.

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