

Broken Doll
She was a lonely boat, floating in the eye of a storm, watching the surrounding chaos.
She tried and tried to find her way out, but the storm kept getting bigger and wider.
For days she wondered if she would ever break free.
Her unseen battles were slowly tearing her apart.
In the turbulent waves, amidst muddy waters, she screamed out at the top of her lungs.
She screamed in the deafening silence, but her shouts made no noise.
They were as silent as a passing cloud.

She was sinking.
Gradually being consumed by the deep waters.
Her waterworks streamed down her face, but they went unnoticed,
merging with the water around.

There's no light.
All she sees is endless darkness that slowly but surely penetrates her soul.
No one ever saw her pain or struggles. They didn't see the anguish hidden behind her smiles.
Behind the mask was a broken doll that was begging to be saved.
But now the doll has become one with the dark.
And will resurface in a way never before seen.

© Dieko