

Bond of Love ( Part 4)the conclusion
Note : Please read the previous parts of the story to understand it better.
All the characters in my story are imaginary and any resemblance to anyone is purely co incidental .

A few more days passed and Abha started getting worried about Arav and Anjali . 'Their relationship shouldn' t get spoiled ' she thought. ' There is no fault of Anjali in all this so why should she suffer '. Abha remembered the happy days she spent with Arav. She had always been a good ,loving mother and Arav a perfect son. "How can one paper change everything" she thought . Something needs to be done before it is too late . But what could she possibly do, since Arav was not ready to talk to her.
Days passed by and everyday Arav would call requesting Anjali to return. Abha also convinced Anjali to go back but all requests were denied. One more week passed and one day Arav arrived. He looked tired and pale. Abha burst into tears and begged him for forgiveness. " We as parents had no intention of hurting you . From day one you have been my son and will always be. Our " Bond of love " is not so weak that a paper can destroy it. " said a teary Abha.
Arav looked at his mother in the wheelchair and a gush of guilt came over him . How could he be so heartless to a mother who gave everything to make him what he is today. She gave him the best life ,best education ,stood by him as a pillar of support always. He fell down on her feet and cried his heart out ,asking for forgiveness . With his tears all the anger ,resentment was washed away . He hugged his Mom and Anjali. " I love you both and will always do " he said. Abha thanked God silently to have returned her Happy Family back again. !
They lived happily ever after !

by : Ruchi Kapoor