

Ayodhya : how it is the birthplace of God Ram ji ? Part -I
Once upon a time, king Dasrath lived in Ayodhya near river Saryu married to three queens as a wife Kaushalya , Sumitra and Kekayi in Ayodhya then first of all three wives and king Dasrath imagines and tried to want children fir going to the his dynasty so long going on to give us liberation when we will die. Then king Dasrath meets with Rishi Shringa . He said that to do PutraKameshti Yagna for born children.
Next dayYagna was done then king was surprised and king has four children from there wives Kaushalya borned Ram, Sumitra borned Lakshman and Shatrughan and Kekayi borned Bharat. So, this is the birth place of God Ram'sSo this is the story of Ram 's birth.Then he married to Mithila Janak kumari Sita then by accepting the challenge of king Janak to broke up the Shiv dhanush to marry with godess sita q

I will tell you the next part of my story in next post

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