

Foes disguised as friends

life is simple it gives birth to a new soul every other day, mind is complex system whose wires needs to be underchecked,
the complexities may lead to rift between desires and needs in one's life.

one such story, a true story i would want to give the highlight.

There lived a man called Manoj(names changed) who was born to a middle class family, his father was a bussiness man and his mother was a housewife. he had a only younger brother as his own sibling . He grew with hardships at school and his life at his Home wasn't so peaceful. his father was so strict that Manoj couldn't speak about his
shortcomings or personal matter with them at all.Still he managed to earn for a living after dropping out from college, i heard he was working very hard for his living. he would take in charge of his father's bussiness in the morning and at night he would work at call center. hardly he would get 4to 5 hours of sleep daily. He wanted to share his thoughts & dreams with somebody he did succeed, he found a good girlfriend. he was doing really well but his weakness was the drugs. i don't really know how long he's been taking it. but he did made friends who encouraged it time to time.
Manoj was very true and generous to his friends, he saw them as his family. To everybody's surprise his friends were real culprit. They planned to convince mohan to Go out for Goa beach, he went with them and their friends carried lysergic acid diethylamide(LCD) most powerful form of drugs, which can numb your senses, that can lose yourself from current state of surroundings. yes they did this on the beach. there had been 3 friends. two of them couple
and he was the third. He was fool to go alone with them. he was stupid to have trusted them. he was actually running from his own life I felt. he should have disclosed his parents, he dad had expired some years ago due to heart ailments. but he should have taught for his mom before committing such mistakes. He did not got drowned into the sea by himself,but he was drowned purposefully by his friends. To get hold of his money, that couple he went with had very low mentality. they were not honest towards their own life. they were not good kids for their parents. they were fond of materialistic world and wanted to gain wealth by any hook or crook means. So they targeted upon him. they knew his password of every thing.
His mother must be in great grieve that day. i don't about his gf, but his younger brother was too innocent and young to shoulder his responsibilities. it is sad to watch all the hard earned efforts go in vain. his soul did haunted his friends dreams i was told through my other friend. after listening to this story i moved away from all his known friends. they have moved to darkness. I want the life to give them the lessons the way it is taught and treated in dark world.

now that guy has ran away to abroad to study further with manoj money and that guys gf has become a entrepreneur of online marketing. These murderers are roaming freely. nobody had good evidence to catch them. they may fool the world but they can't fool the God. what they've done will come back to them in double results of sin.
it may happen with their kids or with their own life in future. Time is the God's pet.

Friendship is good I don't deny but don't reveal your money to anybody except your own parents i feel.parents will feel proud of your growth and success and will want you to keep growing well in good path. but others are not as matured as your parents nor they have heart of generosity the way you are gifted with of your parents.
So don't disclose your password when you are with them, while swiping your guard be careful add the pin by covering with other palm. no need to tell them your savings because tragedy doesn't occur in a day,it takes months to plot a murder .