

The Guiding Gem to Starlight(III)
He got up from his bed and walked outside. He looked up at the stars and got remembers of Starlight. She occupied all his thoughts and engrossed his whole attention. Then he looked at the trees and looks back to the time when he found wild delight in nature. Now he hopes that nature will soothe him and inspire him in the now. Then he used to run along the banks of the Deep river and streams to wherever nature led him. He then stood in awe of nature more than he loved her. He no longer enjoyed that crude pleasure arising from his physical contact with nature.
He wanted to feast his eyes on the huge Rick's and mountains, on the dense annd dark woods. He was drawn to the beauty of their shapes and colours. He felt rapture at the sight of these objects. This was the time when the physical beauty of nature need not be supplemented by any intellectual or spiritual significance. The poet did not seek in nature anything except visual beauty.
He now realised that nature had made him thoughtful and reflective. Finally the poet feels that there is some divine spirit prevailing in all.objects of nature. It has its home in the light of setting suns, the round ocean, the living air, the blue sky and the mind of man. He looked at the stars and found it's beauty was nothing compared to beauty of any woman. He went back to bed only to erase his memory of Starlight.
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