

Mistical Summer
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the public pool @ birdland live on it's edge how those days were simple and carefree, I often wonder about the people as well as the things we lost as kids and wonder quietly to myself what life would have been a difference or not. I remember walking back to the car after mom picked us up and just wanting to remain a kid. on the drive home I knew mom was going out with my aunt's and them . She deserves it as hard as she works at raising us alone. Two girls and two boys. Our grandmother passed away and I seen her change . She was suddenly the one everyone needed yet the black sheep when they didn't.
I look at how strong she was and how she made her daughter's strong . We were going to one day be a force to be reckoned with. me the great attorney,my sister a navy woman,my brother tyrone a doctor, and jay he was going to be a police officer. We were going to make her proud and care for her in her elder years as she had always cared for us. no Now I am an adult and Mother myself I understand now what my mom went through as she was suddenly turned from . for they secretly were angry at her for standing up for the wishes she promised to keep my grandma. So we knew the envious nature of our family and friends. the back bitting and name calling kids shown difference between them. As I grow up I often wondered do they realize that we there children will have to pay for the sins of our parents. I didn't ever want my children to have to pay for my deeds. Yet the Lord gave his only begotten son to pay for the sins and ungodly ways we were living in. With a pound of flesh and I understand now why we are left to pay for the deeds of our parents. I can only pray to God that I make my wrongs right and my rights straight, my uncertainty certain. and I continue to have my faith and belief and trust in God. That I keep fighting and forging ahead breaking all generational curses. so my own children and neice and nephew will never have to go through the process of moving forward with out full understanding and love for Humanity . I am not a perfect mom, person or even wife. what i am is great full for the lessons in my life and where they have taken me. one of the most important things I learned from my mom is to influance others of the importance of knowing what you are discussing And also with whom you open your heart and mouth to. We live forever within our mistical Summer.
© Synfuly Matthews