Mistical Summer
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the public pool @ birdland live on it's edge how those days were simple and carefree, I often wonder about the people as well as the things we lost as kids and wonder quietly to myself what life would have been a difference or not. I remember walking back to the car after mom picked us up and just wanting to remain a kid. on the drive home I knew mom was going out with my aunt's and them . She deserves it as hard as she works at raising us alone. Two girls and two boys. Our grandmother passed away and I seen...
I can never forget the joyous days of my childhood, especially the summer when all we did was swim in the public pool @ birdland live on it's edge how those days were simple and carefree, I often wonder about the people as well as the things we lost as kids and wonder quietly to myself what life would have been a difference or not. I remember walking back to the car after mom picked us up and just wanting to remain a kid. on the drive home I knew mom was going out with my aunt's and them . She deserves it as hard as she works at raising us alone. Two girls and two boys. Our grandmother passed away and I seen...