

Life in Kashmir
Chapter 1

The air seems more thicker then usual for a man who waits for his wife and his new born baby .Untill the nurse come and tell him what she wanted to tell .
That can go against your thoughts and can make the air more thicker to breath and even can take your breath away from you but at the same time that can make you the happiest and impatient person alive.

Nothing can be tell .

I am Aleena Farooq and I live in Kashmir.
The paradise of earth .
Yes! People call it paradise but at the same time they don't come to live here now.

My mother has told me alot of stories about her childhood but those stories seems fictional to me .

People call me" psychic". Because of this but at the same time . They agree with me .

I was born in a Muslim family. The first words i heard was not my name but the words of Azan and my father declaring that I am a Muslim. First of all how can he declare such thing just because I can't talk.

When I was nine I told my parents that I will study every religion and after that I will chose who I want to be.

Now I am eighteen but I still cannot answer that question and like before I dont have my parents with me .

Some soldiers killed them. They didn't only killed them they harass my mother before that .

I never got my answers.

Who are they ? And what do they want?.
Some people say Pakistan is on our side but some say Pakistan want this paradise not us! . Or Pakistan is after something else?.

India? And the world?.

Who is my enemy? . Who is our enemy?.
I don't know but I will take everyone as it.

The murder of my parents won't go like this.

But the question is what can I do? . I can do only one thing and that is to ask questions.

May be someday I will find my answers and the right religion with a life to live with meaning.

I will find our true enemy one day .
One day I will tell the whole world.

I will stand and we all will live .

One day.....

( to be cocontinue)

© Fiction Writer