

Part-25 Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gayi
Hey dear readers. How have you been?
I hope that all of you are fine and enjoying your lives.
Before we begin this chapter I want to seek a sincere apology from you all for not being consistent.
I have not been able to write the story because of my studies.
Thank you for supporting and sharing your views about the story. I will try to be more consistent.🙏♥️

In the previous chapter...📑📚🖋️

Avantika raced after Ishaan, who was determined to confront Rohan after knowing what he did to her. With all her might she stopped him and promised to end her relationship with Rohan, hearing which even Ishaan felt surprised. They returned home where Naina tried to lighten the mood with her humor and maggi. Ishaan stayed at Avantika's home to be with her. As she fell asleep, he sat on a chair near her couch, and gently stroked her forehead. He told Naina about his inner turmoil, torn between protecting Avantika and expressing his love for her. Naina offered him comfort, leaving him with some hope for the future.


Avantika was sleeping peacefully, far from all the worries and cares, completely oblivious to the turmoil in Ishaan's heart.

Watching her, Naina said, "Why have our lives become so complicated? I wish everything could go back to how it used to be..."

Ishaan had no answer to this question; his eyes held a hint of moisture. He wiped his eyes & wished he had an answer... wished he could confess his feelings to Avantika... wished he could make her his and his alone... wished she would wake up and choose him... he just wished...

About half an hour later, when Avantika woke up, she found Ishaan sleeping on the chair near her couch, still holding her hand. Seeing this, she felt a warm sensation inside. She smiled and gently put her blanket on Ishaan, she kept looking at his face & then softly stroked his forehead.

After which, she went to Naina's bedroom. Naina had just finished her work and was winding up the things on her table.On seeing Avantika, she approached her and gestured towards her head, asking,

"How are you feeling now?"

Avantika replied, "I'm fine. Actually much better."

"And Ishaan? Is he still here or has he left?" Naina asked again, to which Avantika answered, "No, he's still asleep."

Naina smiled faintly and asked, "Will you have some tea?" Avantika chuckled and said, "Yes, I would love to."

A while later, a light drizzle of rain had started, Naina brought the tea from the kitchen, & they both sat on the balcony,enjoying the cool breeze while sipping their tea and chatting.

During the conversation, Avantika realized that due to recent events, she hadn't been able to talk properly with Naina, and today it felt as if they had reunited after long long time.

Amidst their conversation, Avantika said, "I've made up my mind..."

Naina, surprised, asked, "What... What have you decided?"

Avantika then confided all her thoughts to Naina. It was clear that she was determined. Whatever she had decided, she would see it through.

Listening to her words, Naina hugged her joyfully. She felt proud of her. The day she had been waiting for so long had finally arrived. She was happy that Avantika had finally seen the light.

She wanted to tell Ishaan about it as soon as possible, but as if Avantika just read her mind & said, "Babe... I know you're very happy, but please don't tell Ishaan about this yet..."

Naina asked in a surprise, "But why?" to which Avantika replied, "I'll tell you later... there's a reason."

A while later, when Ishaan woke up, he couldn't find Avantika on the couch, so he started looking around for her. Then he heard voices from the balcony, so he headed there.

Seeing Avantika's smiling face from a distance, he couldn't help but smile too. Seeing Avantika and Naina engrossed in conversation, he teased, "What conspiracy are you two cooking up alone?"

They both looked at Ishaan and fell silent as if they were hiding something. They pretended to keep some secret from him. Ishaan became really curious & kept asking what was going on, but they didn't tell him anything.

Instead, they started laughing and teasing him.They kept pulling his leg for some time.

Ishaan, then showing false anger, turned away and said, "Fine, don't tell me... I don't care."

Avantika, seeing this, tried to control her laughter and went to him, placing her hand on his shoulder, she said,

"Aww... you look so cute when you're angry, Ishaan."

Ishaan didn't reply and turned his face away from her.Avantika jumped to the other side, saying, "Arey Baba, there's nothing like that... we were just teasing you."

Ishaan, in a sad tone, asked, "Really?" Avantika, in her cheerful voice, said, "Absolutely... okay tell me, what will you have, tea or coffee?"

To which Ishaan replied, "Obviously tea...?"

Avantika with her energetic smile replied, "Okay then sir... your wish is my command..." and saying this, she went to the kitchen.

Meanwhile, Ishaan quickly went to sit beside Naina and eagerly asked, "So what was she saying?"

Naina, widening her eyes, said, "You want me to break the promise I made to my best friend... nope...never, not at any cost."

Despite Ishaan's numerous efforts ,she didn't tell him a thing.Now, Ishaan's patience was running out, and he was starting to feel frustrated.

Just then, Avantika arrived with tea and snacks in her hands, looking at Ishaan's face she said, "So, finally all your efforts are in vein. I knew, Naina won't tell you a word.", & saying this she gave a high five to Naina.

Ishaan said in a sarcastic tone, "Both of you teaming up on me, not fair, not fair. This is cheating...", and while saying so made a crying face.

Seeing this all of them burst into laughter. After this they kept talking and laughing for some time. Just then, Ishaan's phone rang. It was Vaibhav calling. Vaibhav said, "Where the hell are you Ishaan... I've been trying to call you for so long, but your phone was off."

Ishaan replied, "Um... nothing, just some urgent work came up."

To which Vaibhav, in an annoyed tone, said, "What urgent work? Didn't't you know today was the hearing for Malhotra's case... & how crucial it was for you to be there."

Ishaan frustratedly replied, "Yes, I knew... but..."

Before he could finish, Vaibhav angrily said, "Do you know how mad the judge was at you? He was about to send Malhotra to the Jail. It was by great difficulty that he gave an adjournment till the next date. Otherwise, today, if he had gone to jail, your and your firm's reputation would've been ruined."

Ishaan, feeling irritated, said, "You always fret over trivial matters... I'm busy right now, I'll talk later." Before he could say anything more Ishaan hung up.

Avantika heard everything and said, "Ishaan... because of me, your entire day has gone to waste... I think you should go back to your office."

Hearing this, Ishaan smiled and said, "It's not necessary right now, and don't worry, I'll handle everything."

Avantika, with a bit of concern in her voice, said, "Ishaan, look, I'm fine now, and please don't let your professional commitments suffer because of me. I know how busy you are... I don't want to be a burden on you."

Despite Ishaan's insistence, Avantika didn't relent, and she forced him back to his office. Though Ishaan didn't want to leave her, he couldn't go against her wishes.

Avantika came downstairs to see him off, and with a heavy heart, he sat in his car. Seeing his melancholic expression, Avantika said, "Today was quite crazy, right? Thanks for being there..."

Ishaan remained silent.

Avantika held his hand and said, "Ishaan... I too don't want you to go, but work is also important, right? We'll meet again soon. Come on, smile now..."

Ishaan smiled faintly and turned on the ignition of his car, saying, "I'll miss you..." Avantika also smiled and said, "I'll miss you more..." Both bid farewell to each other with heavy hearts, and Ishaan drove off towards his office.
Hmm... that's the end of Part-25 of Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gayi. I hope you are enjoying the story.
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