

The students of the high school were horrid to Crestina. In their opinion, Crestina was the weird, googly-eyed reptile, who walked the hallway in a peculiar way. They made fun of her, called her names, threw things at her, never realizing that their actions could be hurtful to poor, and often, confused Crestina. The worst amongst the lot, was the trio of tormentors, Tito the cockroach, Kartik the krait and Sunny the scorpion. Their mission, each year, was to make Crestina’s life miserable. They took immense joy in humiliating her in class, in the cafeteria, anywhere, where the teacher was absent or otherwise engaged.

Crestina, on her part, couldn't understand why the kids disliked her. She was a quiet, sensitive chameleon, easily embarrassed, intelligent and very good at debate. This was another sore point for her - the kids called her names like, 'googly-eyed nerd' or the 'foot-long-tongue-speaker', names that she, especially, abhorred. Crestina was such a lovely looking chameleon, with her lime green and yellow skin colour, with a circuitous design on her coiled tail, but she lacked the confidence in herself, and changed colours when stressed, which lead to more teasing. School was truly a difficult phase in her life.

In the school cafeteria, the trio were having a furious discussion, they were making plans on how to humiliate Crestina, today. “Let us trip her”, said Sunny, guffawing loudly. “No, we did that last week.”, Tito snapped, clearly the leader of the group, “We need to innovate. We need to think of better ideas. How about sticking a note on her t-shirt? Yes, let's do that”, he concluded. “But what shall we write on that note?”, asked Kartik, hissing, “’I am with stupid’. No, strike that. I am with me, I am stupid”, Sunny said laughing. “You are the one who is stupid.”, Tito growled at him, “We are going to write, ‘Hang twigs, leaves, wires, etc., on me, without my knowledge’. Yes, that is perfect, kids would stick things on her, and she would be left wondering. Haha.”, Tito said. “That is great”, said Sunny, while Kartik hissed in agreement. They set off to make the sign to put on Crestina.

In the cafeteria, later in the morning, Crestina sat all alone at a table, having her breakfast, head bent down to avoid looking at anyone. Sunny stealthily crept up to her, and cleanly, stuck the sign to her tee shirt. He leaned in towards her, and said, 'Hello Moron!' to a startled Crestina. Before she could respond, he moved off, whistling a tune, Crestina did not suspect any mischief, and continued with her breakfast. Throughout the day, she found kids trying to put sticks, twigs and leaves on her - she couldn't understand what was that happening, and why were they doing such acts. During the last class of the day, she overhead the conversation amongst the kids, sitting behind her. They were whispering about a note that was stuck on her tee shirt, on her back. As soon as the class finished, she stretched out behind her back, to pluck the note out. Everyone was watching her, waiting to see her reaction. She read the note, as tears pricked her eyes and cascaded down her cheeks, she changed colours, turning a deep red, in shame. “Look the freak show is starting”, screamed Tito, laughing with his cronies. Crestina fled the class, amidst laughter and hooting from the students. She ran straight home, clutching the note, tears falling from her large round eyes.

“Is that you, Crestina?”, her mother inquired, when she heard someone come in through the door. Without answering her mother, Crestina ran up to her room, and flung herself on her bed, crying. Her mother, knocked on her door. and asked her, in comforting tones, “Crestina, are you okay? Did something happen at school?”. Mom was wondering why Crestina had so many leaves on her, but it became obvious, when Crestina handed over the note. “Oh Crestina”, her mother sighed, “Crying is not the only option you have, my child. Why don't you fight back? You got to realise that till you tolerate this nonsense, it will continue to happen - over and over again. You have to understand, unless you do something about it, people will always hurt you. Why do you keep quiet, Crestina?”, she asked. “Ma, I am so ugly. The kids make fun of my name, my everything. The say stuff like I look like a bad neon sign, my eyes are humongous, I walk funny, and they call me, 'uni-cycle' because of my coiled tail. I hate it. I hate myself.”, she cried on the, already wet, pillow. “Crestina, let us have lunch first, and then we can try and resolve this problem. Go and wash up, and meet me down”, her mother said, encouragingly at Crestina, as she left the room.

After they cleared up the dishes, Crestina and her mother sat on the couch. Crestina lay her head on her mother's lap, while her mother stroked her hair. “Crestina, honey, talk to me”, her mother implored. “Mom, all the kids at school hate me, they make fun of me, my gait, eyes, changing colours, tail, everything or anything. Nothing I do is spared. I can't take it anymore. Why did we have to be chameleons? Why couldn't we be snakes? No one laughs at snakes”, she lamented. “Cresty, what you call disadvantages, I call super powers. Do you know that your eyes can move independent of each other? You can see anyone approach you from anywhere - even behind you! How can you think that is a disadvantage? You are the oldest reptilian in this world. The coiled tail that you scoff at - it is prehistoric. You should be proud of your lineage, and you should wear that pride as an armour. Walk in to the school with your head held high, and your tail coiled, tight. If others make fun of you, let them. Remember, you are not what others think of you. You are a strong, sensitive, wise chameleon, and no one - no one - can take that away from you. Don't let your silence and acceptance of things define you, Crestina, fight back. Be strong”, her mother told her. She continued, “Even I, as a young chameleon, faced bullying, but I never gave in, I fought back. You got to own it, Crestina. Think about it. Now go and finish your homework. I have to get to the clinic, now. I have several surgeries lined up, for today”

That night in bed, Crestina thought about her mother’s advice. She decided that she would try and imbibe what her mom said, and try to implement some of her suggestions. “Well, I have nothing to lose.”, she thought as she drifted off to sleep.

Next day in school, Crestina did not hang her head down while walking along the hallway, she kept her chin up. She walked her peculiar gait, and even smiled at a few students. She felt nervous, but tried not to show it. Meanwhile, the trio of tormentors, planned on how to ruin her day. “Let us throw meatball sauce at her”, said Kartik. Tito smiled in agreement, and they all high-fived. At lunch, Crestina decided to sit with some other reptiles, instead of being alone. She took a chair next to Billy, the frog and Lucy, the lizard. They all exchanged shy smiles, but soon were making jokes and laughing. The difference this time was, that Crestina but participated in the conversation, instead of hanging her head, in silence. “This is not so bad”, she thought to herself, “Mom was right. I shouldn't give up. I can make friends, and be happy.”. One of her eyes caught a movement to her right. She spotted Sunny, armed with a bowl of meatball gravy, headed towards her, his sting held high. She sensed, immediately, that, the bowl was meant for her- to be poured over her. She decided to wait patiently, and act when the time was right. Her left eye tracked Sunny's movement from the back of her head, watching him approach her. Sunny, meanwhile was unaware that Crestina had spotted him. He moved towards her, armed with the bowl. The other kids watched the drama unfold with bated breath. Sunny was right behind Crestina, his arms raised to overturn the bowl on her head. Quick as a bullet, Crestina's tail uncoiled and hit against the bowl in Sunny's hand. Before he could even realize what happened, the bowl overturned on his shirt, and Sunny was covered with the meatball gravy. The entire room erupted in laughter and cheers. Crestina continued talking to Lucy and Billy as if nothing had happened. “Grrrrr”, growled Sunny, “We will get you for this, you stupid chameleon.”. Crestina turned around, looking at him, calmly responded, “My ancestors were around when the dinosaurs roamed the earth, we still survived. How can you harm me?”. Sunny, stung, slunk away, dripping the gravy all over the floor, with his sting dragging on the floor, while the room continued to titter. Crestina continued with her meal, but smiled to herself.

Tito was furious with Sunny, “How could you let her do that to you?”, he fumed. ‘This is not acceptable. We need to rethink our strategy.”, he said, glaring at the sodden Sunny. When Crestina got home from school, she excitedly narrated the happening to her proud mother. Her mother was thrilled at the positive changes that were coming over Crestina. “Keep it up”, she encouraged Crestina, “Very soon, all that has happened will be just a memory.”.

Each day, Crestina found that by not accepting the trio's antics, she had started enjoying school, and spending time with her new friends. She realized that by using her gifts, she was helping herself, and giving hope to others who were bullied. Tito and his coterie, still troubled her, on and off, at times they managed to get an upper hand, but she knew that she didn't bother about what they did or what they thought about her. She ba sked in her new confidence in herself, and abilities, and knew she was ready to face whatever was thrown at her.

© Natasha Sharma