

Romancing the Relationship
Relationships are tough. Right? We all been there. Is it meant to be or just another fling? Where does the romance end? Simple. It never does.

Romance is a life long thing. It doesn't matter if you have been together a week or 50 years. Romance needs to exist. I have been in a long-term relationship with my fiance for seven years. I plan on getting our marriage licsenses next month for Christmas. Well, early Christmas. Also, I have rings ready to be shipped as well. It is what I want. Why? Because I love the romance. Romance changes. You have three stages of romance. The "High School Romance", "Young adult romance", and then finally, the "Forever Romance".

I had my first "High School Romance" when I was 19-years-old. I thought he was everything. I thought I was everything. I wasn't. He wasn't. I guess you can say that's where it all fucked up.

My "Young Adult Romance" took a dive. He made me feel guilty. I felt guilty. It didn't feel right. Not for me, anyway. I messed up; Kissed another guy. Thought of it as my way out. I wasn't happy. He wasn't happy. He was in the army. I wasn't ready for that kind of relationship. It was just another dream. He was a High School crush. Just gone wrong.

My current relationship? More than I deserve. I bet everyone feels that way. I mean, it's love. Love is a difficult cunt to deal with. We don't know if it's love, lust, or just fucked up. Love sucks.

I am so happy and thankful for who I have to be as my partner and father to my kids. I regret nothing. Being 33 really takes a toll on love and wanting the best out of it. Am I the the only one?

© The Writings of Jeanne Carlson