

Intelligence And Possible Practices
When we operate distinctively from unknown situations using both artificial and natural intelligent platforms to empowering ourselves with revelations. It is important to note seeming consequences of questions and answers that will tend to occupy our minds naturally into inquiring intelligence and how it is formed and defined and if it does reflect what we do in practice? How does it work out its modalities in review and in acknowledgement?

Intelligence is simply an applied knowledge of a perceived truth through investigation and instigation of variables in both appearance and hidden postulations. Intelligence however, is not just the school education knowledge we acquire, and it is not also having good grades in examination test results or rather not a retentive memory acquisition and how to sharply recollect things from studies into printing them in writings and articulations.

Intelligence is in how to be able to judge right from revealing truths and how to know and master the act of intuitive knowledge hence knowing how to intuit it from the source of rest and attainment into bringing it in physical background to possibly reflect with the true picture of what intuition means and expresses.

Grabbing natural and artificial realities in their exact hidden expressions without changing the perception for irrelevant reasons other than what it is in its natural form is the purpose of how it works.

Dependent on object for source of experience ought not to be done arbitrarily but should be a section of what is to be obtained in progression and in unification through the identification of items.

Speculation could be applied to getting solutions especially when the item of the object is applied directly and correctly and could be traced when the object reject the attraction from what was applied on the object into maintaining the consciousness it reveals in other variables surrounding the object of consciousness in other to identify the sole cause of actions.

The entire process in the manipulation of things could only bring about results that will fade off in time through the elastic limit of possible expansion.

Every human being is looking for everything to possibly uplift their minds and emotions and likewise staying away from issues surrounding the things that will take their emotion lifting process down to the place of making and getting them depressed.

Depression automatically remove us from the state of calculation and imagination to interface with presentations and articulations.

The technicalities in the whole of this is in knowing the act and the becoming processes through which it shows the stop and search proceedings to factor a negation by making it fix on the object and then you further indicate a contradiction in the box of thought and consequently cancel.

This will then reveal further lines of new revelations that will surely lead to a valid conclusion. Exercising the process is simple as making this example: for instance, one way of getting to know a womanizer or flirt is to tell them that some people don’t flirt or womanize and their compulsory reply will confirm to be in answering that there is no one that does not womanize or flirt because they are already guilty in themselves and the truth remains that there are people who don’t flirt or womanize.

Another way of getting to know people is dependent on the kind of enemies they consciously create to themselves and the kind of trap they set for their acclaimed adversaries.

If someone sets a trap with a lady, the person setting the trap is a womanizer or a flirt. If the trap setter takes delight in springing trap around criminality, the person springing the trap is a criminal. If the trap is based on intelligence, then the person setting the trap is intelligent and so on.

When you notice the gathering of thoughts put together against an individual, it simply implies that the affected individual’s thought supersedes the general thought of the composers.

An open situation could also lead to the following lines of revelation such that, once anything is not good in the real sense of the word objectively and relatively, and you know that it is not relatively good as it were, and you are in support of it irrespective of the fact that it is objectively not good, then you are part of it.

In all of these, the variables and tools used in this regard is thinking. Thinking is a must affair used to understanding the things we don’t understand through symbolic calculations as thinking remains a continuous patronage for humans to dwell and a platform for self-realization. It begins with imagination and comparison to history and the future and then decisions and actions will manifest.

A bad thinker focuses on just the future only and as a result compare the opposite of the present reality without history and draws conclusions. A good thinker thinks with history and compares the former and the later and as well does not conclude the process because the future is still and always pregnant.
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© Ernest Oworodo