

Don't call me a Liar (Ch. 4)
What's ironic is I remember looking my 8th grade teacher in her eyes and denouncing her a liar. I will explain why this is ironic in a minute. I have always been a "special" girl in the sense that it takes me a while to explain my truth. But I can understand why someone could twist my words and mannerisms and interpret them as those of a charlatan, hypocrite, or a liar. For example, I would innocently forget something, and say the first thing that came to my head, not realizing it made me sound like I was telling a falsehood. Years later, in university, a girl who was supposed to be my friend was sitting next to me in our mutual friend's car. I don't know how my name came up in the conversation, but long story short she said "... I think you're a liar." Boy, when I tell you I got so pissed I got out the car before said friend could rev the engine and I closed the door before actually walking my way back to my dormitory. What she didn't know is that awakened a deep insecurity of mine. Who knew that something as simple as a four letter word could cut so deep? But the test is a stepping stone to the testimony. I want to make a positive change in the world, because although this life is temporary, it's really up to us to make the most of it. So I'm studying to become a lawyer. I'm going to change that four letter word into something impressive that is filled with purpose.