

Antagonists For The Midnight Prowl
The 14 Warlords:
14 Warlords Backstory: These Lord's were created to destroy all life in the multiverse. Each Warlord has a different power; these powers are called Arts. They are divided into 14 categories. 1)Forbidden Arts. 2) Poison Arts.
3)Blood Arts. 4) Fragment Arts. 5) Demonic Arts. 6) Black Magic Arts.
7) Beastman Arts. 8) Cursed Seal Arts. 9) Combat Arts. 10) Magic Circle Arts. 11) Dark Elements Arts. 12) Dark Spirit Arts. 13) Titan Control Arts. 14) Gravitational Arts. These Arts aren't normal magic. They aren't born with these Arts, they trained hard and killed many to acquire these Arts. The Warlords also control territories called Domains. The Warlords are 10 times stronger in these Domains. The Warlords command armies of minions called Dark Ones Which do not have any of their own intelligence they only follow the order of their Chieftain and their designated Warlord. Each Warlord controls its own army of Dark Ones. Each Warlord's Dark Ones hold a small fraction of their power. The Dark Ones Rank from strongest to weakest, The Strongest are given intelligence and a title: Dark Chieftains. That means they are second in command to the lower-ranking Dark Ones. The Dark One's appearance seems human but they are creatures controlled by darkness. Despite their lack of intelligence, they are very adaptive to their environment. They wear special collars created from anti-magic called Slave Seals, once these seals are released their mana is increased tenfold. The Warlords travel around space in ships called: Demon’s Armada each ship is color-coded to represent each Warlord.
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