

Anchor Part One
An Anchor is a device usually of metal attached to a ship or boat or A cable and cast overboard to hold it in a particular place by means a fluke that digs into the bottom. I am Joyce a 16 year old girl living in South Africa.I don't have siblings but I have cousins, nephews and nieces. I have a single parent , my mom as for my dad he is dead but I don't know his family. I am like an older sister to my cousins nephews and nieces as others are people says that I am their mothers.My cousins nephews and nieces we have a special bond together, we don't live in the same area but when we visit each other they follow me everywhere even when I go to poop. Sometimes they annoy me but I love them even though I suffered a severe depression and tried to commit suicide because of them I still love them
To be continued.......