

"The Children Of This World Really Really Need Our Help"
"First we must speak about this until everyone is made aware and it's being spoken about everyday, then things will start naturally being done about it."

On average 2,000 children go missing in the US every single day.
That adds up to on average 800,000 children going missing in the US every single year.
As a comparison India has 500,000 children go missing every year.

The US population is: 331,002,651 based on Google
The India population is: 1,380,004,385 based on Google
India has a population 4.169 times larger than the US yet has roughly on average 300,000 less children go missing every year.

Now in both cases regarding the statistics of what's reported in the US and India, there could very well be discrepancies as to what is true and not so much but since these are what happens to be openly admitted by both governments then we need to take them seriously until proven otherwise.

So what is wrong with "The Land Of The Free" where children are not at all safe in this country and nothing is really being done about it.
Everyone reacted to this pandemic because suddenly their lives are at risk yet where is that same energy when for the most part things had been ok for the majority of us for years while children have been going missing at ridiculous rates for a while now?
This should show you that a majority of people do exhibit narcissistic tendencies.
We all have most certainly at some point done so also but when made aware of it that's when our ignorance becomes either stupidity or is revealed to actually be nefarious in intent, even possibly being of sociopathic tendencies.
That is if we choose not to correct the error of our ways.

World hunger for example seems to be a problem not easily solved. Well.. I agree to disagree with that. It to me appears to be a problem allowed to exist in the same way so many children are being allowed to go missing.

Facts as reported by The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)

- 795 million on average at any given time lack the necessary food to live a healthy lifestyle. That's more than one-tenth of the world's population.
- 25,000 people are estimated to die everyday due to starvation adding up to roughly 9.1million people annually.
- 165million children under the age of 5 experience stunted growth due to the lack of proper nutrition coming out to 1 in 4 kids who suffer long-term effects of hunger before first grade.
- on average 8,500 children die of starvation every day coming out to about 3.1 million deaths of children every year.
- as of 2013 it was reported that 15 million children in the US lived in food-insecure households.
- the United Nations reports that 1.3 billion tons of food that are considered edible and safe for consumption gets thrown out every year which comes out to roughly $750 billion dollars spent on producing or purchasing food that simply winds up in the trash.
- It would only take $3.2 billion to feed the world's children going hungry every year.
- to combat world hunger totally it would require roughly $30 billion every year breaking down to about $4.30 per person.
- On average every year around 1/3rd of total food production in the US alone gets thrown away before even getting to the grocery stores or restaurants, and from there a sizable portion of food in grocery stores and restaurants gets thrown away before being purchased by the consumer, and from there a sizable portion of food that is purchased by the consumer gets thrown away.

World hunger shouldn't even exist in a world that supposedly harbors people who care about the wellbeing of others as is made evident by this Covid-19 pandemic.
Well that's if you completely rule out that most of us are only reacting to this pandemic for our own health and wellbeing as well as those we deem important enough for us to supply effort for them as well.

If we can help the adults in this world then at least we can come together for the children.
Based on the facts world hunger is vastly superior in the lives being ravaged and lost every day and annually than Covid-19 yet over the past so many months Covid-19 has been thrown in our faces every moment of everyday.

If it takes someone like me to point out how serious world hunger really is to capture the attention of the majority of people while this pandemic has been plastered across TV screensand social media accounts worldwide then that implies there is an agenda of which there are people who benefit from both world hunger being largely kept in the dark and Covid-19 affecting every aspect of ours lives.

I don't see any logical reason once becoming aware of these issues not to be forever changed in how one views world hunger from here on out.
I'm not intending to make anyone feel bad for what I say now those who recognize these issues and choose not to care probably wouldn't feel bad anyways if I intended on making others feel judged.

I've known for months now about this and im taking every opportunity to help others become aware as well. There are people waking up everyday and things will change. Let's work together to speed up the process.

Children matter so much to me. I was abused in my childhood, physically and in other ways I wish not to go into detail about. My birth father skipped out of my life when I was 3. I've always felt like I had a natural fatherly instinct to protect children.

I have a beautiful, amazing, wonderful son who is my world. His name is Corey Michael Spray.
He was born on August 19th 2015 at 5:05 p.m. He will be turning 5 this year. I don't want my son to have to grow up in a world where so many children are being done so wrong and it's as if nothing really is being done.

We can't just leave it up to the authorities and politicians to handle it themselves because if we all did something, not only would world hunger not exist in the way it does helping many adults out as well, but children wouldn't be going hungry and they wouldn't be going missing.
I have faith things are going to get better in regards to that even if it does seem to be picking up momentum at such a slow slow pace.

Thank you for your time reading this. Please keep your children safe and fed food and given drinks that support a healthy growing body.
I didnt even touch the surface of how many kids that aren't facing hunger are still facing health issues because of junk food and junk drinks.
That's a whole totally different conversation for another time.
I love you all. If I could save everyone by giving up my life then I would and I know my son would understand why I would even dare risk leaving him without a father bc it's to help the world be a better place for all.
Stay blessed my friends.

*******I know many people may think Im not doing nothing by speaking out about it because I get asked alot when I bring this up about what it is I am actually doing to speak about it. But speaking about it is doing something and if it was spoken about as often as Covid-19 is then yeah things would be getting done about it and there would be the means for myself to be able to physically offer up my assistance as well.