

Xhosa Warrior: Chapter 4
Kunta as a strong man but he wasn't strong enough emotional after they lost the forth villager, he got frustrated and angry at the same time. So as they were hiding in bushes near Good Hope village Kunta told his group of men who were willing to fight and free the villagers of Drayini that they attack at night when they are not expecting anything. Surely the Good Hope rebels and the villagers thought that they had finished Kunta and his men so as they were sleeping at night Kunta and his men were sneaking around the Good Hope village looking for the place where they captured the Drayini villagers. As they busy looking, one of the men who were the rebels was around the Royal house of Good Hope were the villagers of Drayini are captured. Kunta knew how to use his mind very well so he did the bird whistle distance away from the rebel and he never mind the whistle thinking that is a bird or something. The other men with Kunta jumped the fence and wrestled with the rebel because Kunta's men were powerful so he overpowered him while he was breaking the rebel's neck, from the royal house of Good hope there was a big hit with size of a bus and people were screaming, others were cleaning the wound of getting beaten by the rebels. Many women were already sold as sex slave and men were forced to do very hard work, Kunta looked for the hole on the hut so he can see what is happening inside and he saw his villagers as others were injured.
"Kunta, do you see anything?" villager 1 asked.
"Yeah I do see something" said Kunta.
"Then tell us what do you see" said villager 2
"I see our people inside this hut" said Kunta.
"What else do you see?" villager 3 asked.
"Men carrying spears" said Kunta.
"That should be the rebels" said villager 3.
As Kunta was looking what was happening inside the hut, he told his men to prepare for war. Kunta kicked the door of the hut as the rebels were surprised they attacked and managed to overpower them but one of the rebels escape to report what was happening from Royal house so Kunta told the villagers to go with two of his men and he was left with one man who was his second in command. They chased the rebel that escaped to Royal house, luckily the found him while he was still knocking the door and they dealt with him as they waiting who might answer the door and they were ready to attack whoever answer the door.

© Makaziwe Gotyana