

Lost Memory Part (3)
She locked the door made tae to work day night ,He worked there for day nd night without food he was feeling very weak ,He finished washing dishes he was setting glass bowls but due to weakness he couldn't keep it all glass bowl broke. shatter into pieces .
Lady heard the noise came running
started to scold tae ,she brght a wooden scale started to hit him very hard .
He was crying in pain 🥺😭😭
he just pushed lady force ably lached the door from outside escaped from there .
He ran very fast until he was tired it started raining so he ran under the shop but unfortunately it was closed so he sat on the ground while crying .
He was shivering of cold 🥶 he wanted to go somewhere warm place but rain couldn't stop ,So he fellasleep there shivering .
Next morning lady named Shai came to the shop as it was her shop she was shocked nd afraid seeing tae on the floor ,Oh my god who is this man I m scared she slowly wake him up .
Tae wokeup yes what happen?
Shai :Can you get aside please I hv to unlock my shop nd start my work young man .
Tae :OK sorry mam ,BTW y are you sleeping here what's on your hand it full red did someone hit you ?she asked.
Tae :Yes lady kidnapped me made me to work I was setting glass bowl it fell from my hand she hit me I came running nd fellasleep here Sorry mam .
Shai :It's okay but y are you behaving childish you are such big grown man .
Later she noticed a mark on his head
where he was hitted by car okay did you eat something?
Tae :No I am really hungry can you give me to eat Some food please mam .
Shai :Okay let me open up sheeter .
She opened up sheeter.