

Rehabilitation Programme
Rehabilitation Programme

Ohh! it actually is so soft and cuddly and gives this lovely feeling.
Wow, exclaimed Meeta on petting the fawn in the zoo.
Observing the monkeys gambol and the Hippopotamus yawn with it's pink gullet visible, the peacock dance and the Bears stroll mesmerized her. Stench of raw meat from the Lions filled her with disgust and their stares sent a chill down her spine, Meeta was like a kid who was amazed and bewildered.
This was as part of the rehabilitation programme to connect her with the real world, that she was forced to be brought to the zoo.
Meeta had been a slave of technology and so immersed in the cyber world that reality had
became alien to her. Disconnected to reality she had no concept of feelings and love and emotions.
That trip to the zoo did wonders indeed.

© Anuj Jain