

It's always upto you

When you have plenty to speak n no one to hear. Just hear it out for yourself. Don't wait for anyone, the more you wait. The more painful it gets, the more value it holds or it maybe the other way around. Just let it go when you feel you must. Cause no one will understand it more than yourself.
When it becomes to hard to endure just let yourself burst out in a way that makes less casualties.

If your unhappy and unpleasant
let it go
if you can't then let it hurt.

Whatever you do, don't carry it for too long. It could break you to an extent you've never imagined before.

To cry to be hurt is a luxury it's not like everyone can afford it. To be in pain. To complain. To sit still.
If you can do it, then do it not because someone else can't & you are to make up for it. Because you can...

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