

Is Intuition a feeling?
I am sure, you must have said atleast once in your lifetime - " I feel something is going to happen" that hunch Or in laymen terms it is called as an Intuition. but, is it really a feeling or our mind is programmed in a way to understand the dangers, surprises beforehand.

let's take an everyday example where you know that your mom will surely come at the door to see you off so you turn around towards that direction even when no one is standing and when she comes you spit out the three magical words - "I knew it".

How exactly did you knew it, the intuition or the gut feeling plays a major role in such behavioe, reason being that it's our 6th sense. Like all other senses, intuition too is just our sense and NOT a feeling.It can be sharpen with more practice and understanding it's mechanism.

The way it works is very mysterious. We do not have a specific organ like other senses but it still works efficiently.

It differs from one person to another and everyone uses it in their own way either for their own benefit or of the society.

The sixth sense is a gift to humankind when used in a good way it will make our future bright.
© chimera